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Help pls! Mod for uncapping/increasing max skill/S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


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TL; DR: LF mod for being able to put skills matching your roleplay rather than anywhere else.

notoriously mid max with each play through at some point because at some point in the game, you just become a mary sue if you don't lock yourself from the fun of putting points everywhere. I want my idiot stab happy explosives guy to just get better at booming people with dynamite and rockets, not become a PHD, MD, commando, assasin etc.

To clarify, I am not looking for a level uncapper, just for skill and/or atributes


So is there any mod that allows me to just keep pouring my points, be it skills or S.P.E.C.I.A.L., Into certain categories yo get for example the snipiest, yet glassiest character rather than an immortal god?


Currently playing a light modded project nevada play through. Containing only AWOP, weapon mods and performance enhancers. Right on the phone, will post list once home.

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