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Navmesh and CTD with the 1.5 patch


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So, I have a mod that used to have a working navmesh.


-Then the 1.5 patch came out-


After that, entering the cell caused a crash to desktop. Removing the navmesh "fixed" the CTD, but then I had no navmesh. From what I understand, Beth was working on the navemesh bug and changed how navmeshes work with 1.5. Only trouble is, it sounds like I cannot keep my navmesh, stay on 1.5 and also keep the same save file without frequent CTDs. Do I have that right?


If so, what is the workaround? Can I force the game to reload the navmesh as if that save file had never seen it before? Can I convert an old save file to use the "new" mod navmesh?


If I don't have that right...

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Only thing can recommend is go to the bethsoft.com forum and look at the discussion on this issue there. Can't summarize here yet as a bit of back and forth going on right now on this issue so I would leave it to you to interpret at this point (have mine and believe it is the CK vs the engine) .. a good read overall and still going on. Edited by jsnider193
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