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Skyrim Walking Lag...vanilla, no mods, re-installed...


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I'm losing my mind. Maybe someone here is wise enough to help me.


I decided to reinstall everything because my character was walking slow and sometimes stopping. The framerate stayed at a steady 59.8, but every few steps it was like hitting an invisible wall. Then I'd walk really slow for a few seconds, take a few normal steps, then back to being sluggish. (I wasn't sneaking, overencumbered, or accidentally pushing down the wrong button.) All the while, the graphics looked great, load times were quick, and everything around me ran seamlessly.


So I removed everything. Deleted every Mod file, uninstalled Skyrim, and ran CCleaner until I found everything that referenced Skyrim and removed it. Once my SSD was clean as a whistle, I redownloaded Skyrim from Steam (being careful to place it outside of Program Files). Imagine my shock when the same problem was happening.


I reset my video card to factory settings in case I screwed up that way. Didn't help.


I put the settings to LOW. No help there.


I walk around like I'm in molasses and the vanilla surroundings (rocks and trees) load slowly. The guardian stones decided not to show up at all.


There are no mods running. I set up ENboost and SKSE, but nothing changed.


I can't think of anything else to try. Everything else on my computer is running great. How did I manage to break Skyrim? Any guesses?


No mods. Lowest possible graphics settings. (It claims to be using my video card in the menu. It also claims to be using it when I run it with ENboost and see my graphics card pop up in the opening text.)


This didn't happen for the first month I had this PC. I've loaded almost nothing onto the computer but Skyrim and Windows.




Intel i7-6700t

16 Gb ram

NVidia Gforce 960 w/5gb vram

SSD (which is mostly empty)


Thanks in advance.


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