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Trolls drop troll skulls.


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Have a wildlife mod I am working on. Thanks for pointing this out. It will be done in my mod before I release it - and I am probably releasing it this weekend. You have a very good point here: You see Troll Skull trophies all over the game. So...why not be able to take them when you kill a troll?


Provided the item is a miscellaneous one, and can be added to an inventory or leveled list, I will do this. If this turns out to be possible, I will also do a quick, standalone version of the mod, in case you use other wildlife mods. Wow...so simple, and yet so important for immersion. Fantastic suggestion.

Edited by BlackCompany
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This is now done:





Note: The skulls are on the Death Item list for all trolls and frost trolls, so checking their inventory with the console why they are still alive will not reveal the skulls. Dead trolls will always drop a skull, however.


All the credit is yours for the mod, and I listed you as author since really, you made the mod as far as I am concerned. I just moved the items onto the list.


Thanks for the idea!



Special Note 2: Doing it this way allowed me to let trolls drop loot without changing the trolls themselves. So, this is 100% compatible with overhaul mods which make trolls tougher/smarter/faster etc. It might overwrite any changes made to the death items they drop, but that's pretty minor when compared to the alternative of changing the troll inventory and breaking compatibility with overhaul/wildlife mods entirely.



Edited by BlackCompany
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