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Blackreach City


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Hey guys, so ever since the creation kit came out I started to think of an interesting mod while I was exploring Blackreach (the place that connects all Dwemer ruins) where I literally went into all the inner buildings and noticed that it would be a PERFECT place to have a small stronghold.. When exploring, I thought of a cool idea for a mod which someone could maybe have the skill to do: **There are some spoilers below**


1st: Maybe the city can be started by a quest which begins with speaking with the jarl of Markarth or some other leader which can be about expanding or rumors of this city and they ask you to explore it and see if its worth mining or something. Once that is done you have the choice to tell them whether its worth mining or expanding in or whatever. Afterwards, if you chose the expanding one, they would basically start you off by first having you kill off all falmer and spiders and all other beasts in Blackreach and also to maybe install power to everything and basically make it functional for people to live in and get things started.


2nd: After people start to move in your task would be to make sure to install defenses and ensure there are enough guards to watch over gates and main entrances (the big elevators) and as well as patrolling all the little walkways in Blackreach. Citizens would only be in the main area where that large orange orb is, in case of a breach. Otherwise, all the other little buildings in Blackreach could be like small homes owned by individuals or just small outposts for guards.


3rd: Also the main entrance to Blackreach City can be the Tower of Mzark (donno if i spelled it right), the tower where you get the elder scroll, which would be guarded throughout its whole complex and around the outer skyrim entrance (maybe stationed tents around the elevator to the tower of Mzark)


4th: Perhaps, if you guys are willing to work hard you can also make additional leading quests after the city is at this state to basically expand into all Dwemer ruins and make them all livable and basically expanding the original Blackreach city into the whole Dwemer connections and basically bringing back the Dwemer empire lol..


I was also thinking that maybe, after the city has started to become settled there can be a system where you talk to the Jarl of this new city which can be decided by the other Jarls of skyrim or something and have him or her display you a similar system which is given to you in any other city where they give you options to buy updates for your home. Instead these updates can be for the actual city kinda like: your the founder so you pay to improve it type thing... also, since you are the founder I would assume that you would already receive a home in the city which is fully upgraded so there would be no reason to add that option into the Jarl. These upgrades I guess can be like extra guard posts, extra guards, more buildings/homes/shops, a cleaner environment (so no broken buildings or ruble blocking doors), carriages which can take you from place to place around the city since its so large (custom map markers for the carriage only) and im sure there are more that I just cant think of right now but you get the point.


So please give me your thoughts and maybe some more ideas if you have. It would be cool to see this idea built up and maybe even eventually worked on and finished


(Below is what I kinda picture it to feel like and really want it to seem as though its been really colonized)

Edited by ThePunishingPunisher2
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OMG! i would love this i would also like black reach to be expanded heavily because it connected all dwemer cities right? there fore it should have been a HUGE trade hub.


here are some pictures of what i thaught black reach should look like:










yes most are dwarven but i always thaught of the dwemer as taller steampunk-ified dwarves

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