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Custom 10mm pistol for sight seeing play through (first post ever; apologies if asking too much, too soon)


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Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!


I have played Fallout since getting 1 as a birthday gift in '97 and love them all! I have tried modding in 3 with limited success and, long story short, I suck at it - LOL!


I recently finished my Xth play through of 4 and now I want to go back and sight see, maybe do a few side quests - you know, mess around. With that said, I dont want or really care about finding/upgrading guns and what not so, I tried to mod the 10mm pistol to suit my needs but I cant get the Creation Kit to download from Bethesda (says it cant connect when I try to download - odd, right?) and I cant find the CK for download anywhere else.


That brings me here to see if anyone is able and willing to make a custom modded 10mm pistol for me. Basically, I want a lot of the vanilla mods but not the look of them; I intend to do a few screen shot sets and HATE the way the extended clip and silencer look. It would be nice to up the accuracy and damage a bit so I can make it my single weapon through out the game.


I was told it is 'easy' to do this with Creation Kit but, as I said earlier, I cant get it to download, even after checking forums and using various fixes from online. Simply put, I made the Bethesda.net account and set up their down loader, all was well until I tried to actually use it and then, suddenly, it 'cant connect'.


So, there you go; either a time waster for an experienced modder or a simple (I think) project from someone wanting to get more experience with the CK (and who is lucky enough to be able to down load it - LOL).


I am not sure if one can actually pay for this sort of modding assistance or if mods are done gratis out of community spirit but, either way, I would like to talk to anyone who is interested in helping me out with this vanity project (thanks in advance) and ask that you get in touch here to discuss details.


In closing, this is my first post here and I am kinda/sorta new to the whole online community; I spend more time on my Harley than online (LOL) so, if this is out of line in some way, please let me know and I will remove/edit it.



Atlanta, GA

Edited by RMagusE
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