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Changing a one handed sword to two handed.


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Im trying to make a two handed sword with the mesh from a one handed sword. I tried adding the mesh to a custom two handed sword in the CK but the weapon is invisible in game.

Do I need to edit the mesh in some way to make it work as a two hander?

Help is much appreciated :) Thanks

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Hello and thanks for answering.

I basicly want to make a two handed sword that looks like the one handed iron sword in game. I tried editing a two handed sword in the CK to use the iron sword model. The sword then hangs by the hip of my character when I equip it in game but when I try to swing the sword it is invisible. So I wonder if I need to edit the iron sword mesh in Nifskope or something to make it work as a two handed sword but I have no idea how.

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Shouldn't need to but if going to create a new weapon the easiest thing would be to create a new texture and either apply it in nifscope or in the CK .... lets think about this what did you change in the CK,


Did you change Skill/EquipType/Impact Data Set/AlternateBlock/Model/1stPerson Model Object/Anim Type ??? to conform to 2 handed. If this got you what talking about (and probably would as 1 hand/2 hand info is contained within the nif data, bhkxxxxx lines in the data, might be able to change these something I have not attempted) then would need to create a dds file to apply to the 2-handed nif, in other words retexture the existing 2 hand dds with the textures from the longsword, because if just apply the longsword to say the claymore won't align properly .. you will get something but may not be what after. If want details on how to go about this be happy to provide to the best of my ability as do not know if you have used gimp or such.

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