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Make Rad Rabbit to be hostile


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Hi ! I try to create a dangerous rabbit for a quest. I have some problems to realize this prowess. I think i have a beginning of answer.


When un turn my rabbit to hostile, in game, his name is turn to red but he flee like a normal rad rabbit in Far Harbor. I can't find the solution to make him an attack. Maybe i must add an attack annimation ? If you have any ideas i would appreciate it,


Thank you !

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Thanks for your response. Here is what I have:




Rabbits don't has an attack animation. And even i chek to very agressive, the rabbit continue to feel. If i check the AI Data et Package, it's the same thing, i don't know how to do. I've tryed to watch tutorials to create hostile npc but in most tutorials, it's a copy about a similar npc whit the same skeleton. I don't know how to proced...

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Hmm Perhaps you could try using the molerat attack animation, I feel like they could be similiar to the rabbit, but stepping beyond this I would rather leave to someone more knowledgeable. I'll mess around myself with it and see if I can get something to work.


EDIT: Well, I have been messing around with things, unticking non-hostile in the rabbitrace and other things. I am guessing it's somewhere in the ai packages, perhaps making a new package might do it. Or maybe creating a whole new actor if you didn't do that. I, myself, just copied it. I'll keep looking around. I tried setting the combatoverride to none, but it's not that either.

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