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Too many items?


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I have WAY too many items in my inventory(it takes like 10 minutes to scroll through all items) and now my character menu lags seriously bad. I use god mode because I'm way over the limit, but is there a way to empty/drop everything at once? It will take days to do it manually. PLEASE HELP!!!
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You could use




this will destroy everything (including quest items) in your inventory


if you place a reference ID after the command, the command will transfer all items to the reference ID's storage (chest or npc, for example).

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Short answer: No. I find it interesting that you have an option to take everything from a container at once, but not one to put everything into the container at once. Perhaps some enterprising modder will fix that deficiency someday. For now, though, you can only get rid of things one at a time if you have less than six of them. If you have a stack of six or more of an item you can choose how many to place at once. Please note that in Oblivion you could bug your inventory by carrying too many items. I doubt this has been fixed in Skyrim because the game isn't designed to let you have that many things in the first place.


Why are you carrying so much stuff, anyway? How many swords can you swing at once? How many helmets can you wear? Seriously. Decide what you want to use and sell everything else. Money doesn't weigh anything and all the coins stack into one "slot".


You must be new to this sort of game, so I'll offer a few pointers. One. If you're going to cheat ("tgm" is cheating), then mod your carryweight, instead. Godmode is just going to spoil the fun of playing the game anyway. Do this by typing "player.modav carryweight ###", where ### is whatever number you want. I suggest multiples of 1000 so it's easy to mod your carryweight back down to the proper value later. Just use a negative number. Thus, if you're carrying 10,000 pounds of excess weight then type "player.modav carryweight 10000". This will instantly increase your carryweight by 10,000. When you're ready to play the game normally, type "player.modav carryweight -10000" and you'll be back to where you should be.


Get rid of that excess stuff at the earliest opportunity. Find someone who buys stuff. Click on him while in console mode and make sure his ID shows up on-screen. Then give him money to buy your stuff. Type "additem f xxx", where "xxx" is the amount of gold you want him to have. Then sell. Everything you're not actually going to use. At least everything he can buy, then go find someone else who can buy the things that don't show up as sellable options for the first person. When you're done you'll be under 300 pounds encumbrance (probably closer to 100), a lot richer, and you'll enjoy the game a lot more. Note that the game remembers the last ID. When you're through doing this go to the console and then click on anything twice and make sure the ID in the center of the screen clears. This will avoid any weird issues if you forget and use the console for something else (like noclipping) later on and wind up targeting something you didn't intend.


Next, clear a dungeon. Immediately go somewhere to sell things you don't want to keep. Don't wait and get overloaded again. Having problems with time flying by? Then in the console type "set timescale to 1". Until you change that number (the default is, I think, 20) one minute will pass by in-game for every minute that passes by on your clock in your living room. This will give you plenty of time to clear a site and make as many trips back and forth to transport all your loot to a merchant. Warning, a timescale of anything but the default would sometimes bug quests in Oblivion. I don't know if that's still the case in Skyrim. Do NOT set the timescale to "0", thinking to halt the passing of time completely. There are horror stories of things that go wrong when you do this. Even setting the timescale to "1" can cause delays in AI processing for some reason. I frequently run with this timescale, but not when I'm involved in a quest with NPCs with which I have to interact. I've had a few problems with NPCs stalling out when I do this, although it's usually possible to "jumpstart" their AI by either interacting with them or by using the "moveto player" command to change their locations slightly. A timescale of "2" seems to be generally safe.


Protip: There are some things you shouldn't even bother collecting. Items that go in your "misc" category and which have a value of "1" will generally be worthless at any merchant. Don't even bother picking up things like tankards and wooden plates. All you can do is give them away, and you don't get any experience for "selling" items at zero cost. Same goes for carrots, leeks, and potatoes (the raw ones, not the cooked ones). You can only sell these to a handful of farmers scattered around Skyrim. You'll eventualy figure it out.


Early in the game I grab everything I can sell. After about level 10 I'm getting more selective and I look at the weight to value ratio. At that point weight:value generally has to be 1:10 or I don't bother with it although I make an exception for books and consumable items, which are relatively easy to get rid of. As I get higher in level I increase that "10" to "20" or even as much as "50". At some point money will no longer be an issue. You'll have more than you can ever spend, anyway. At that time, the only thing I'll take on is stuff I want to use, myself, and I'll get rid of what it's replacing as soon as I can. I almost always run with an encumbrance of 100-200, even at higher levels. I just don't need any more stuff than that.


Find places to stash things you might want in the future but aren't going to use right away. The chest right outside of High Hrothgar is a safe storage container, since it doesn't respawn. There are others. Check the wiki or Google for information. Don't just collect alchemical ingredients without actually using them. You have an alchemy station in Riverwood right off the bat. Use it. You can always sell potions you don't want to actually use, yourself, and you'll keep ingredients from weighing you down while improving your alchemy skill and getting experience to higher levels. You can install various mods which give you a home for free in Riverwood. The one I use until I can afford to buy Breezehome is "Riverwood Player House" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10502). It has lots of storage and all the relevant crafting stations to make everything you can craft in the game. All it lacks is a wood-chopping block, but there's one just across the stream by the mill. You will get lots of storage for just about everything, as well as a bunch of mannequins (if that's your thing).


If Godmode is your thing, then try using "tim" instead of "tgm" and play in Immortal Mode, instead. You can't die, but you'll still take damage. Remember that if you don't take damage you can't improve your Restoration skill or your armor skill. I've experimented a bit with this just for fun, and found you can glitch your character, though. Save before any encounter in which you can be beheaded (opponents with edged weapons). Just saying. If you run into a situation where you would have been killed and your character is in an odd posture or frozen in place (happens with dragons if they get in bite attacks) then save and then immediately reload that save. That will fix the problem, although it won't get you "out of the fire".


Best advice: Learn to play without the console, except to fix problems that the game will inevitably introduce (like getting stuck in the scenery, quests stuck on a stage, or NPCs stalling out). I think you'll enjoy Skyrim a lot more if you take on the challenges with just your skills and the gear you can find, buy, or craft.

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  • 1 year later...

You could use




this will destroy everything (including quest items) in your inventory


if you place a reference ID after the command, the command will transfer all items to the reference ID's storage (chest or npc, for example).



Thank you so very much for this tip.

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