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Bashed Patch Bending Me Over


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I've been modding Skyrim for some time now and every time I make a bashed patch (so does everyone else in the world). For some reason, though, this bashed patch has screwed everything. It is overwriting nearly every mod in my load order with changes from USLEEP. This is causing almost my entire load order not to work. I use LOOT and all that for sorting, so I don't think that's the issue. I can't get rid of it either since it incorporates like 20 patches and I don't have room for that many additional esps; Anyway, if anyone has suggestions, I'll take them.

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Same here. I finally gave up on creating a Bash patch and am just going with a merged patch which seems to work well. However I only have a little over 100 mods so this will probably not solve your problem.


The only thing I can think of is to use TES5Edit to create a merged patch of your patches so you have one esp of those patches and then do the same for the mod conflicts that are causing your mods to not work.


Hope that makes sense.

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Hey, thanks for the tip. I think I may have to many mods for this to be feasible since I would have to have a patch for USLEEP and most all the the other mods I have. I just don't understand why the patch is doing this since it's never done this before and why it has decided that USLEEP must be the one overwrite everything. XD

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