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Npc's walking around with invisible weapons pipe shotgun not seen


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IMportant I made a short summary of the Problem at the bottom of this post as the other older stuff is/can be distracting ..

hello there i have a large load of mods but some weapons are invisible and i cant see those in the workbench or in npc's hands I am now at diamond city where the fight between the diamond city gaurd is and the supermutants and the citygaurd got wiped out ..there was a legendary supermutant there and two of the mutant dogs.

But anyway me preston and dogmeat wasted the mutants using Danse's gift the laser weapon but then i walked into a city gaurd and he seems to be holding a weapon in his hands but no mesh appears so no weapon visible ..

Now I'f taken a look at the previous thread about pipe weapon and I too am using extended weapon mods and i want to install more weapon mods ..( is their a limit like in Fallout New Vegas as to how many mods can be run with the game ..

If also installed Ptrs41 mod and i five or six shot a deatclaw with the chinese type 75 which had explosive damage ( taken from a raider at the corvega plant who shot and killed me a few times ( i heard the shots and wondered what and who was packing the loud gun, the raider shot a car wich exploded so a few of the turrets and raiders where blown away....

BUt anyway wapons are not visible atleast some are mostley Pipe weapons and if the city gaurd was carrying a pipe weapon then that could be it..

Might it be an idea of collecting mod problem causes which could cause this problem and ways of solving it .. I use loot and it seems I need to install f4edit but i'm not sure what to do ....

If there is a guide online somewhere please point me to it, Ill then can try to work it out to get it working again .this was the same problem i had a long time ago and at that time it was the reason i uninstalled fallout 4 out of frustation because of the unplayabiltiy of that mod build ..

I even can list my modlist if possible if something can read and place a list in a textfile of my modlist ... or i need to type the list in this post

My apolagies for my writing but if been playing for some ours and been awake for more than a day...

I had better mod descriptions installed but loot sad that it needed a other mod or something so i unistalled that in nexus modmanager ...

Note Modded weapons like standalone weapons like the m14a and defense gun are visible .. I noticed that a dead Diamond city gaurd had a 44 pistol in its inventory I haven't tried that weapon If its visible for the player ..

I also will try to look at the Pipe weapons thread to see if i can solve my problem with that sullution

CHeers and lets have a great fallout game experience for newbies and seasoned Fallout players and modders .....

I myself have played all of th fallout games and have all of them in my steam and gog accounts and i even have had the first original release of fallout 2 the golden disc but that one has been lost or broken somehow...

..Note === I found a video explaining FO4edit this is the link (coming later on ) Its a multimedia with butttons video so it can be quite handy .....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F19Do8HAl4

im sort of a newbie again to trouble shooting but since a long time i'm not playing much although i'm busy with Battlefield 1 but i prefer a fallout game like New vegas or a follow up to fallout 4 with more RPG and story elements and new and interesting play/view/experience options like cliffcities or canyon cities with for exsample buildings and walkways placed/hanging on the sides of canyons with bridges between the two sides .....


I know most of this post is distracting from the problem so I''ll sum it up again.....

=== some weapons are not showing up no picture of it in the pipboy inventory system and not showing when equipted by player or npcs .. I thought it was just one gun a pipe weapon but it seem to be more which don't show meshes, they do fire atleast i think most of them do as If seen enemy npcs fire those at me..

In the mysteriues Pipe problem/weapon thread posted just today or earlier it was offerded or noted that extended weapon mods (mod) ads pipe weapons and as i remember it ads a machinegun pipe weapon which i also cant see......

this is that thread

look below


Edited by bombshell66
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I forgot to mention that when in sanctuary in builder mode some items dont appear ..in the build menu

I also have sim settlements installed and after initilyzing it said that Hud framework would crash or chrashed . I'm not sure what it is anymore what happened ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using Extended weapons mods.. I think thats the mod that ads the pipe weapons but other weapons are also not visible.. some are and some not

I havent used Wyre bash or xedit so need to check up my setup

I only enterered two lines in the ini' files

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I might have found the culprit I installed awckr but i don't see it in the modlist of active modplugins it is installed in nexusmodmanager but i dont see it in the list I do see armorkeywords but not the again installed mod..

so any suggestions, i'm quite tired right now and my coffemachine is working overtime making coffee for fellow residents here....

I also installed Wrye Bash and run it but it confuses me quit some bit but I had a busy day so I'm tired ....

and i'f got loot installed and sorted my modlist ....


do have a good evening and

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