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Issues getting my dungeons dark enough with my load order


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Im having an issue here. Im Running RUDY ENB (NVLA variant) with ELFX, and Dynamic Immersive Seriously Dark Dungeons, and i just cannot get the dungeons to be dark. DISDD is correctly disabling the lights, its just that the ambient light in the dungeons is so bright, that I can see everything no problem.

Lighting Load order:


ELFX - Hardcore.esp


Immersive Spells.esp


JBMod - ELFX3 Patch.esp

I want these dungeons to be so dark i have to use a torch, or other light source to navigate them. Ive also tried reducing the AmbientLightinIntensityInterriorDay and

AmbientLightinIntensityInterriorNight to 0 in the enbsereies.ini, and have observed no change in the light level.

Someone else in another thread suggested downloading and placing ELE into your load order just after EnhancedLightsandFX.esp in the load order to solve this problem. I tried that and saw no change.

any advice to get the darkness in dungeons that im after?

If im not providing enough information let me know what to elaborate on.

Update: Played with some setting in the in-game ENB config. Lowering the interior brightness setting inside of enbeffect.fx in the shader parameters section to a value of 0.12 or so gave the desired effects within dungeons, but now my building interiors are so dark i have to use a torch in homes and shops. Is there not some way to have dark dungeons but bright enough buildings?

Update: Disabling Original Objects processing in the ENB GUI makes the dungeon light levels function perfectly. Exactly the way i want them too. however this now results in washed out exterior views...

Edited by PizzaForPresident
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