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Gamepad and Keyboard/Mouse Simultaneously


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G'day there,


I have a bit of a problem that I hope someone can help me with. I have a Logitech G13 Gameboard which has a nice little analogue stick inbuilt into it which I'm trying to get used to using for movement because it in my mind is definitely superior to doing it the old WSAD way in my opinion, its just a matter of unlearning ~20 years of using it. I mean you only use 1 thumb instead of 3 fingers for movement, leaving your 4 fingers free for all the other controls, plus its analogue which is much better for manouvering than digital WSAD.


However, I cannot get the joystick to work in conjunction with the keyboard and mouse. I see why this has been done as playing with xbox360 controller has a very different UI to the keyboard/mouse setup. There's no native support for the joystick and I have to emulate xinput which I'm fine with doing, it works great but unfortunately this of course disables my mouse, which needless to say is a problem. Also if I assign WSAD to the joystick, movement is very rigid and pretty unplayable. I've started using it in other games with this xinput method and it really works great and as Fallout NV takes up a lot of hours I figure this is perfect training for it..


If anyone knows what I can do, i'd really appreciate the help. I've tried extensive searches through mods and google but come up with bugger all.


TL;DR - Want to use the joystick on my G13 for analogue movement without disabling the KB/M and assigning WSAD is fail.



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That... That doesnt even look like it would be comfortable to play a game with.. Honestly i would just use a 360 controller. I use one and still have full functionally and i love it.
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That... That doesnt even look like it would be comfortable to play a game with.. Honestly i would just use a 360 controller. I use one and still have full functionally and i love it.


I didn't come on here for a debate on what's more comfortable, but its all about the comfortable vs functional tradeoff. Untill recently I pretty much completely disposed of using a keyboard/mouse for games in favour of using an xbox360 controller (about since GFWL came out). Simply because yes, it certainly is more comfortable and using a bulky keyboard and mouse just isn't practical when playing games in the loungeroom. However since getting the G13 that has all changed. it is very comfortable, balances perfectly one the arm of my chair (and I have a little table for the mouse that slides over the other arm) and is more functional than a regular keyboard for gaming. I initially got the G13 to play games that didn't have native xbox360 controller support and emulating WSAD & Mouse is pretty pathetic, however now I've almost switched entirely because face it a mouse is more accurate for FPS games, I simply got frustrated playing Battlefield 3 on hard and getting hammered every 20 seconds, decided to start using the G13 and smashed that game in a day. Now I have the best of both worlds, comfort and performance, trust me it is very comfortable.


I don't have to remove my thumb from the movement thumbstick to quickslot change weapons like on the xbox360 controller or keyboard, don't have to take my hand off aiming to jump, reload or any other functions like the xbox360 controller. Never having to momentarily lose control of movement (or some movement) or aiming is something no gamepad or keyboard/mouse can boast.

Edited by gaspah
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