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Some Gameplay mod ideas


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I am not a modder myself , but I think I have some ideas for modifications that could make the experience better. Those two are on my mind for last week. The second one should be mandatory.


1) Esbern Intro - Do you remember the teaser trailer? Why not implement it in the game? Esbern in his cell in Ratway, just reading books, and talking/thinking to himself. And when he gets to "In their tongue his Dovahkiin - Dragonborn" the camera zooms on the book "the book of the Dragonborn". Or this little scene could take place in Sky Ruler Temple before it was destroyed and Esbern is adressing the blades with this talk. Then a massanger comes with the grave news of the Thalmor army approaching Imperial City. After this the actual game would begin.


2) Much slower running/sprinting in heavy armor. Seriously this is ridiculous. There is no way that someone could run for a mile wearing 10-20kg (or more) of metal on them. Your movement should be slow. Something like Dark Souls mechanic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu7DBnj4wAE. Light armor would become a better tactical choice.



Thank you for reading.

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