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Problem with certain custom homes.


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Okay I have tried a few custom home mods like FC Kagrenacs Instant Fortress and then dawnspire. These mods work perfectly normally. However I discovered an issue later on in the game. When I was using Kagrenacs instant fortress. Whenever I add around 4 followers a problem occurs. Everything seems to be working correcting but whenever I would teleport to the fortress or even go through the door the game would crash. Thats why I ended up thinking it might have been a incompatibility with the mod. So next I tried dawnspire and everything was working fine I just went to the base with my 4 followers, and then I left. When I tried to go back inside the game CTD'd. At first I thought it was an issue with Kagrenacs but now I have no idea how to fix this issue. I use mod organizers and I use loot to sort the load orders. Not sure why I can't add followers there. I never seemed to have an issue when I'm using hearthfire homes. I figured I would ask for any help because I've tried everything I can think of to fix this issue.

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