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I have always found the Candlelight/Magelight functionality to be a bit low, so I set out to change it.

I recently downloaded the CK, yet my technical aptitude is lacking to the point I have almost no idea (even with the Tuts) how to actually create anything of my own. (Aside from following exactly what the Tuts tell me to do..)


So here I am,

I was wondering if someone (who has a bit more imagination/creativity than I) could write up a mod (.esp?) that would edit the existing candlelight spell. Specifically, to shoot a directional beam of light wherever the caster is looking. I play in first person, so the stock candlelight does not give me the range/functionality that i hope for.


Thanks in advance for anything anyone can put forth for me.

(even a walkthrough would be beneficial)




EDIT: I came across a mention of something similar.. Although the nexus has nothing im looking for.. A link would be much appreciated as well. Once again, Thanks.

Edited by Jawms
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