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racemenu muscle slider?


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yes, it is on the nexus somewhere


I think it only works with cbbe body replacer


UNP body is good too, but there are no sliders for it

there are mods to texblend muscle maps to the body so you can have beast legs but softer arms

all custom s#*!, unfortunately all vanilla females will have their bodies look the same as the player

unless using th bijin mod which replaces many important female npcs, this adds variety and kind of fixes the same body problem.

there is a more advanced method described on the mod pages but it requires you to hand load custom bodies for every female npc


more boredom simulator lol

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yes, it is on the nexus somewhere


I think it only works with cbbe body replacer


UNP body is good too, but there are no sliders for it

there are mods to texblend muscle maps to the body so you can have beast legs but softer arms

all custom s***, unfortunately all vanilla females will have their bodies look the same as the player

unless using th bijin mod which replaces many important female npcs, this adds variety and kind of fixes the same body problem.

there is a more advanced method described on the mod pages but it requires you to hand load custom bodies for every female npc


more boredom simulator lo

u know the name of it?

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