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Archmage replacer


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Hi, so I currently play as an stealthy Ilussion/Destruction Mage, and I'm going to make the College of Winterhold Questline soon and want to use the Archmage robes I get at the end of the Questline, but it dosen't fit my Chrachter, like every Robe in Skyrim! til now I just ignored this Fact but I'll be using this robe the whole Game!


Because of that I wanted to ask If someone could replace the Chestplate, Pants and Hood of the Robe with this Mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2772 or at least with the normal Guild Master Armor and replace the boots and gloves of the Shrouded Armor (Dark Brotherhood Armor) , so that I can kill Astrit later and get them :D

(walking muffled and double sneak attack is helpful for an sneaky mage^^)


sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language.

Edited by alkartas
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