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[LE] My First Mod Attempt - An Illusion spell to amuse NPCs


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So I an idea for a spell came to me, and I didn't seem to find an existing version of it. (But if you know one like this, yay!)


I'd like to create an illusion spell that does not attack, but instead, invokes laughter and possibly dancing. It's mostly with the intention of entertaining children.


I'm picturing a spell that can invoke illusion images of a mini-mammoth and a giant, or a small jester dancing around (for example, but the possibilities are vast). I'd like to have the caster be able to aim it at a surface and have the image play out for say, 30 seconds or longer.


I'd prefer the imagery to look somewhat transparent and obviously magical - not just small versions of mammoths and jesters.


What seems like the bigger hurdle (or mystery in my mind) is the reaction I'd like the spell to invoke - laughing npcs. More that they are amused by it, like when a bard plays a hit tune, or when the kids play tag.


I'm totally new to the mod crafting element, but I am perusing videos and reading what I can find to start preparing me for this adventure. I was hoping to toss this idea out there to see if anyone here has some other helpful sources or at least some starting points for me to be thinking about.


As I was writing this, I realized that the bard song effect might be how to tie the reaction to the spell. I'm also thinking of the mod Follower Live Package, which has the followers play off of each other at times, and they appear to laugh together. I'm assuming that I can review existing mods like that or other custom spell mods for reference points and familiarizing myself.


Thanks heaps in advance for any ideas.

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Create an NPC with an AI package.

The AI package plays the animation idles of Cicero dancing and randomly play these one after the other, or just one continuously.

Create a conjuration spell where you summon this NPC.


There is a laughing idle but it has no sound.

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