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Infinite Stack of Glenmoril Witch Heads Crashing My Game - Destroy All Dropped Items?


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I noticed some time after finishing the Companions questline that whenever I went near the Glenmoril Coven cave entrance my game would crash. After closer inspection with tfc I realised that there is a seemingly infinite stack of Glenmoril witch heads floating near a tree outside the entrance and whenever I get close enough they attempt to drop to the ground, causing the game to crash instantly. I've been avoiding this area since I accepted that I wasn't going to be able to get rid of them but now I've become fed up with not having the entire map at my disposal anymore.

Is there any way to either destroy all dropped items on the ground in the immediate area or to remove the witch heads from the game entirely, save, and then add them back in? Any help would be much appreciated.

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You could try resetting the cell. Note that this will reset all cells, which means that anything you've cleared will be reset. It won't affect your quest progress though. It's effectively the same as waiting 31 in-game days.

  • Go into an interior location and save.
  • Open the console (~) and type these commands:
    setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 1
    setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 1
  • Close the console and wait 2 hours.
  • Open the console again and type these commands:
    setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 240
    setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 720
  • Make a new save.
  • Go to the cave entrance and see if it's been fixed.

Alternatively, you could just wait 31 days but that takes a while. Waiting while using the tfc command makes it go much faster, and No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu allows you to wait 31 days at once.


More detailed info here.

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I tried both of the methods described and in both cases successfully reset the cell. The heads are still there though as if they're meant to spawn there. It's possible that I have a plugin installed that causes this but I wouldn't know how to even begin trying to figure out which one it is. Guess I'm stuck with this issue for this playthrough.

Thanks for trying to help, appreciate it!

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