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Deleting NPCs from Settlers of the Commonwealth mod?


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I admit I'm being a bit impatient, but I'd like to implement the latest version of Settlers of the Commonwealth asap and haven't got a reply to my post on the 3dnpc forum.


I'm concerned that a couple of the NPCs, because of their locations, will somehow interfere with random encounters at those same locations. For example, in Tales from the Commonwealth (same author), one of the NPCs (Maisie) can eventually travel to that campsite near Thicket Excavations (not the one by Concord with the mattresses and cars, the one closer to Bedford Station). In my last game, once she got there, random encounters at that location stopped. (I used to see Dreth, the Gunner Vendor, and sometimes Super Mutants or Synths.) I'd rather not have that happen with some of the NPCs from this mod, especially since I don't plan on recruiting the ones I'm concerned about anyways.


I think it's okay to just delete them in FO4Edit. The author has said as much but also said in the changelog for an earlier version that he was adding some unfinished/unvoiced settlers because "adding them to the world in advance for technical reasons, so their refIDs load into the quest". I don't know what that means, but it makes me concerned about deleting at least one of the NPCs as she's currently such an unvoiced/unfinished settler.


Think it's okay to delete that NPC (and others) anyways? I'm guessing "yes" since it seems okay to delete the finished NPCs, but I'm just being (overly?) cautious.


BTW, I highly recommend the mod. I've used an earlier version and it's just fantastic. The dialogue on some of the settlers is just off the charts awesome.


You can find it here: http://3dnpc.com/wiki/fallout-mods/fallout-4/settlers-of-the-commonwealth/


The change log that I mention can be found here (gotta scroll down to find Settlers of the Commonwealth): http://3dnpc.com/

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