Cocopix Posted January 6, 2018 Share Posted January 6, 2018 I recently got the Inigo follower mod, but when it is checked, it causes the game to not launch when pressing play. Nothing happens. I am able to play when Inigo is left unchecked in the Data tab.I've sorted my load order using LOOT. My load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 ApachiiHair.esm 6 6 ApachiiHairMales.esm 7 7 barenziahquestmarkers.esp 8 8 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 9 9 hdplants+herbs.esp 10 a purewaters.esp 11 b SkyUI.esp 12 c Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp 13 d CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 14 e Helgen Reborn.esp 15 f distant detailhf.esp 16 10 birdshf.esp 17 11 hqsnow.esp 18 12 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp 19 13 betterdarkbrotherhood.esp 20 14 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp 21 15 SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp 22 16 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 23 17 morevillageanimals.esp 24 18 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp 25 19 BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp 26 1a Cloaks.esp 27 1b Inigo.esp 28 1c StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp 29 1d genpeopleliter.esp 30 1e SkoomDealersDen.esp 31 1f killthemgenerals.esp 32 20 whiteruninenhanced.esp 33 21 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 34 22 riverwoodenhancedplugin.esp 35 23 whiterunexenhanced.esp 36 24 taveriften.esp 37 25 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Lite.esp 38 26 Aeonbarr.esp 39 27 moresmeltables.esp 40 28 armored-horses.esp 41 29 isilnarsil.esp 42 2a The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 43 2b skoomadealer.esp 44 2c greedmod.esp 45 2d ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp 46 2e art_darkelf_sp0.esp 47 2f character creation overhaul.esp 48 30 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 49 31 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 50 32 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp 51 33 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp 52 34 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers.esp 53 35 saturationboost.esp 54 36 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers - Brighter Nights.esp 55 37 RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch.esp 56 38 RLO - Major City Exteriors - No Guard Torches.esp 57 39 Sexy Npc Faces.esp 58 3a brawlbug-plugin.esp 59 3b Burning Skies.esp 60 3c craftingplus.esp 61 3d Headtracking.esp 62 3e formsedit.esp 63 3f SkySight-Simply-Bigger-Trees-Slower-Branches.esp 64 40 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 65 41 CharacterMakingExtender.esp 66 42 HelmetToggle2.02b.esp 67 43 convenient horses.esp 68 44 Marriable Serana.esp 69 45 Marriable Serana HF.esp 70 46 Brawl Bugs CE.esp 71 47 JiubQuestMarkers.esp 72 48 Illustrious HDT Cloaks.esp 73 49 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 74 4a PIVariety.esp 75 4b Predator Vision.esp 76 4c skoomadealer-ingrientsatmill.esp 77 4d civilwarcleanup.esp 78 4e moredragonloot.esp 79 4f dragon knowledge spell.esp 80 50 improvedskillbooks.esp 81 51 LeftHandRings.esp 82 52 stronger daedric artifacts.esp 83 53 testacrobat.esp 84 54 The Wenches Wardrobe.esp 85 55 uncle sheo.esp 86 56 Useless Bow Mod ( Bannered Mare ).esp 87 57 yukikaze.esp 88 58 moregrass.esp 89 59 GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEdition_SFO.esp 90 5a Athletics Training.esp 91 5b DSerHorsesRevamped.esp 92 5c IHSS.esp 93 5d GuildStarter.esp 94 5e art_khajiit_sp0.esp 95 5f DaedricAssassinArmorHeavy.esp 96 60 DaedricAssassinArmorLight.esp 97 61 Animated Dragon Wings.esp 98 62 FNIS.esp 99 63 LearnAlchemyFromRecipes.esp100 64 xgfPferdeKarren-en.esp101 65 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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