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This bug is persistent...


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I've had the bug for a long time where load times take forever, and the only way to get the game loaded is to open the task manager and then close it again. However, after I reload a cell that I had entered previously, whether it's after dying or simply re-entering a building, fire and water is invisible until I restart Skyrim. The problems are linked, since everyone who has one of them seems to also have the other.


After 1.5, it got worse. Now if I reload a cell without exiting the game, in addition to the fire and water being invisible, the shadows are all invisible. If I walk into an area that would normally be shadowed the screen gets dark and just generally freaks out. There's an image below.


Disabling all my mods does nothing to fix the problem, and starting a new game does nothing. This bug has been annoying me for a long time, but I'm hoping to finally get it fixed. Is anyone aware of a solution?


Edit: Reinstalling is not an option. I could, however, delete vanilla content and have Steam restore it. What's safe to delete and have Steam re-download?



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Well, I'm letting Steam restore some BSA files. Hopefully it'll go away, but I really doubt it. For now I'll be sleeping, so that's why I won't respond right away to shower you with praise if you list a fix. I hope I'm not stuck with this forever...
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Okay, restoring my BSAs didn't help at all. I've tried disabling all my mods, and now I've tried restoring vanilla BSAs. What else is there to do? If it's a problem with my pc, what should I change to fix it?
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I've heard a rumor that the invisible fire and water is merely the result of opening the task manager, and not the bug itself. So that would mean that if I get rid of the long load times, I get rid of the invisible stuff by extension.


Now, does anyone have ANY idea how to get rid of the long load times? Any idea at all is welcome, no matter how vague and trivial. You could even say something like "well git Nivida inspctr an press bttns" and it would still be an improvement over the responses so far (which is nothing). I'm desperate here. Before it wasn't so bad, but with the shadow bug I can't even play for more than fifteen minutes before it hits.

Edited by Rennn
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I don't know how to fix the load times, but I have a similar problem and find that if you just wait it will load normally without the invisible error. I am looking for a better solution as well.


I've heard a rumor that the invisible fire and water is merely the result of opening the task manager, and not the bug itself. So that would mean that if I get rid of the long load times, I get rid of the invisible stuff by extension.


Now, does anyone have ANY idea how to get rid of the long load times? Any idea at all is welcome, no matter how vague and trivial. You could even say something like "well git Nivida inspctr an press bttns" and it would still be an improvement over the responses so far (which is nothing). I'm desperate here. Before it wasn't so bad, but with the shadow bug I can't even play for more than fifteen minutes before it hits.

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