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ENB Lens flare problem


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Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help with an ENB problem I'm having. As you can see in the images, there's a weird lens flare bug going on even when I'm not looking directly at a light source. The problem starting occurring when I swapped from 47 ENB 2: The Sequel to Chromatic Melancholy ENB. I was using 47 ENB 2 until I realized the lens flares were too intense for my taste so I worked on finding a way to reduce them. I ended up changing the "Lenz flare intensity" value in the enbsunsprite.fx.ini from "0.25" to "20.0" which solved my initial problem. However when I went to an old save that was during the day, the entire exterior became very very bright (Even the dirt looked like it was giving off a light source.). I tried replacing the edited ENB with new ones but the problem still persisted. I ended up deciding to change the ENB to Chromatic Melancholy to see if the problem would still be there. I notice it isn't as bright as it was in 47 ENB 2: The Sequel but I have these lens flare circles that show up when I'm in an exterior place. They don't seem to show up inside of places but I'm just guessing that's from lack of light. Any help is appreciated. https://imgur.com/a/mWO6e

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I would think you want to be adjusting settings in the "[LENS]" section of the "enbseries.ini" file. But you are already deeper into those INI files than I ever ventured.

The following are probably redundant resources to you, but just in case they might help:
* "Warning about ENBLocal.INI"
* "ENBseries Guide"
* "ENBLocal INI Guide"
* "ENBSeries INI Guide"
* "ENB Series documentation" Wiki.



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I would think you want to be adjusting settings in the "[LENS]" section of the "enbseries.ini" file. But you are already deeper into those INI files than I ever ventured.


The following are probably redundant resources to you, but just in case they might help:

* "Warning about ENBLocal.INI"

* "ENBseries Guide"

* "ENBLocal INI Guide"

* "ENBSeries INI Guide"

* "ENB Series documentation" Wiki.



Is there any way to just go back to default settings? I've tried deleting every ENB file I could find but I still get problems. Could there be a problem with my game or game files?

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The game "default settings" are in the INI files. Please see the 'Game INI files', and 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' entries of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


But there are other settings not in those INI files that are often changed for ENB. You will need to work through the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide to determine which you may need to reverse.



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