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SetRace() doesn't seem to be working


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Hey, guys.


So I'm adding a disease that turns the player into a Skeever after some time. The only issue is, the SetRace isn't working.

Here's what I have so far.


Race property SkeeverRace auto
actor Victim

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

victim = target



That's not my final code of course, there will be more to it but right now I just want to turn this person into a Skeever when the effect is applied.

I have set up a new disease and link a new effect to it. Said effect has the above script attached to it, and I have filled in the SkeeverRace property, but sadly, it wont work.


Any ideas? Cheers.


Edit: No worries, managed to fix it... For some reason starting the script from scratch fixed it.

Edited by Fishtoast
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