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Strong magician follower?


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Go to the College of Winterhold. They have a couple companions there that are skilled in magic.


Illia sounds like she has a good quest attached as well.

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Best pure vanilla mage follower is probably J'zargo from the College of Winterhold, he has no level limit (the only vanilla follower with no limit) and will level up with you, he has Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion and Restoration spells. Edited by Anya29
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If you complete the Azura's star mission and choose to return the star to Azura then the priestess that the shrine will become your follower.


I have experimented a lot with different followers with everything from different weapons to types of mission and have come to notice that some work better against different types of enemy or with the right weapons.


The Azura priestess for example is very weak out in the world of Skyrim, but once you get her inside a Nordic ruin she is one of the best destroyers of the undead in the entire game, am been serious with her by your side near all Draugr are blown into next week literary sent flying across the room from the lightning blasts she is capable of delivering before you even get chance to land a single blow yourself, undead are of no concern with her at your side you can almost just ignore them and leave her to cover you while you just collect the loot.


But whatever you do dont give her any armor to carry just leave her be in her ropes for her magic bonuses and don't take her staff from her ether, she is one of the few set up with the perfect weapon for her ablility from standard, just check its fully charged up for her before taking her on a mission and it will last out and then some, she is very reserving on use of magic soul charge in her staff and can keep it powered up for ages any single mission with ease in fact a full charge could easily get you several missions before requiring a recharge.


Just give her a decent blade like a Elven or Orcish Sword, Ebony even if your not short of high end weapons just to give her better close range protection and she is a very useful follower.


Will Share with you guys my best find in useful upgrades for followers, Give Jessica (the mercenary from the Drunken Huntsmen in Whiterun) the Forsworn Armor of the Gods a Forsworn Sword and Axe (always Craft even enchant your followres weapons, personally I only use Grand soul Gems to enchant my own items and I use Greater Gems for my Followers, anything less I just use for recharge), anyway if you give Jessica those Items, she is certain death to any Forsworn you may cross on your travels, she will use duel weapons with any Forsworn agent and beat them at there own game, when in duel weapon mode she is always the faster and will out move any Forsworn using the same tactics to an easy kill. I find she works better with a Staff instead of a Bow, but make sure its a single bolt firing staff and not a constant flame because she is very wasteful with Magic charge when able to cast constant flame, just so happens if you have a Forsworn Staff to give her its just about perfect but any bolt firing destruction style staff will do, then you have one bad ass follower who is a master at killing Forsworn, not very good at keeping up with you as you travel and complete useless against Animals but she was born to kill the Forsworn using there own weapons.


And just on a side note if you want a Dragon Dead you cant go far wrong with Fendall at your side with an Eleven bow and matching arrows, and if you dont have Fendall as a follower cos you helped Sven out instead then more fool you, in fact I going to load up Skyrim right now just to visit Sven so I can stab him in the back, may even capture his soul while I am at it and use it to Enchant Fendall Bow, hope maybe that will bring him some good luck when we next out after killing some dragons, have to say since my character in the game is a Wood Elf I have chosen to use Fendall on many missions, he is without doubt the follower I have used the most in the entire game right from slaying the very first dragon, so there is no messing around when it comes to his Equipment, in terms of Armor he has the same set up as me, Dragonscale all the way enchanted to boost up his Archery. Heath and single handed combat.Fendall in my game is one super bad ass who only gets the best Elven crafted weapons right down to the arrows, in fact I take any given chance to buy Elven arrows just to give to him, am more a destruction magic user myself over bows but when it comes to bows I use Ebony.

Edited by KillerSkark1978
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Azura priest is the best companion in the game. Some say that it's j'zarga because of his level = yours up to 81 unlike any other companion in the game. But you can fix that very easily. " ` " -> target your companion (any) by mouse clicking on him -> setlevel 1000,0,1,81 = That will make your companion (or almost any npc in the game) the same level as you are AND will make him level up till lvl 81 with you. So even Lydia is great on lvl 81. But still my personal choise is Aranea Ienith. Her spell usage is the best, she has one of the highest (if not the highest) destruction skill level + i had a lot (like a dammmmm lot) of difficulties with other companions getting stuck in doorways, between stones, in trees, just in the midle of open field.... . I didn't have any problem with her.


Hope it helped

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