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Equipping multiple weapons


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Basically, what the title suggests.


I have been searching for a while for a decent mod that would allow to equip several weapons at the same time without them disappearing after switching to a new weapon. I know the "resurrect" trick, however, it makes the weapons disappear and it decreases the damage of them as a side-bug, so it was quite troublesome to use it.

I'm not thinking of for example having two swords equipped at the same time because as far as I've read, you'd have to fiddle with the meshes. But I know that 1-H swords, axes, maces, 2-H weapons, quiver and a bow have it's specific "hard points" so altering the game somehow to remember your last equipped weapon and saving it over and over while you switch in between them (hopefully) shouldn't be too difficult. Although I have no modding experience, I won't even bother touching the CK.


I would really appreciate it if someone would either point me to a already existing mod or if someone would take the time to do so because I've seen several topics requesting this, but were out-dated and there was no CK at the time.


Thanks in advance.

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