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Are there normally lanterns on the main roads?


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So, long story short: I installed a mod that adds extra lanterns to the roads in Skyrim, decided I didn't like it, and uninstalled it. I'm still seeing lanterns along some roads, and the problem is that I don't know if those lanterns are vanilla or leftovers from the mod. I'm aware that due to the way savegames work, sometimes mod-added stuff can persist in your savegame even after the mod is unchecked. Does anyone know if there are normally vanilla lanterns (aka streetlights) on some of the roads? Or are they only found in cities? It's puzzling me because the reason I got rid of the mod was because I kept seeing lanterns that were either incorrectly placed (bulging out of bridge supports, etc) or simply out of place due to a conflict with another mod. I haven't seen any obviously "wrong" lanterns since I uninstalled the mod, and they seem to be few and far between, but I definitely still notice them being there.
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  On 3/27/2012 at 1:31 AM, chaospearl said:

... anyone?

Not normally. You may see an odd lantern outside the main cities, but not along the roads.

The ones you're seeing could possibly be data held withing a game save, even though you've disabled the mod.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 1:39 AM, Tamb0 said:

Not normally. You may see an odd lantern outside the main cities, but not along the roads.

The ones you're seeing could possibly be data held withing a game save, even though you've disabled the mod.


Damnit. Yeah, that's exactly what they are - I was afraid of that. These days I have a couple of new vanilla game saves at various stages of completion so that I can test out new mods without worrying that my "real" savegame will end up bloated with bits and pieces that persist long after the mod's uninstalled. Unfortunately I didn't start doing that until a few weeks ago and the lantern mod is one of the few I'd used in my main game and then gotten rid of before I realized the issue with doing so. I really don't feel like starting from scratch again so I'm just gonna have to deal with the lanterns. I'm probably lucky it's not a game breaker, at least. Anyway, thanks for the response, that's all I needed to know.

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There are a couple of console command that will get rid of them as you encounter them, so no need to start a fresh game.


The first is Disable and the second is MarkForDelete. I would use the MarkForDelete command as it deletes the items completely from savegame. It might not do it instantly, but they should be deleted upon reload.


When you see these objects ingame, bring up the console and select the object with the mouse. You should see its ID number appear. Then type MarkForDelete. With the lanterns, there might be a few objects (post, lantern, candle, etc...), so make sure you select them all, 1 at a time and hit the up arrow to bring the MarkForDelete command back into the console.


When you encounter the next lantern, repeat the process, but you don't have to type MarkForDelete again, just hit the up arrow and the last command typed will appear.


[Edit] I should have added that the Disable command only hides the item from view,...they are still there. That's why the MarkForDelete command is a better option.

Edited by Tamb0
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When you click on one of these lanterns, make a note of the first 2 characters.


If's it's 00 then they're part of vanilla.

If they're FF, then they were placed during play, and saved to you gamefiles. Tamb0's removal advice works on these type.


If not, then post the number, and your load order.

Skyrim.esm starts at 00, and then they each increase by 1 after that.

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