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Scripting Help

David Brasher

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What block of type do we use when we want to use an Oblivion scripting language style Begin GameMode block in Papyrus?


I imagine it will be sort of like:


Event On*Something or Other*

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I'm not sure that there's anything that's exactly the same. Two events I think might work would be 'OnInit' and 'OnLoad'.


I know that OnInit seems to run immediately, and that it also runs when the object/quest it's on gets reset. I'm unsure if it runs every time you load your game or just the first time though.


OnLoad will run every time that the object it's on gets loaded.


Inside both those events, you will need to use RegisterForUpdate. Then put whatever you would have put in the GameMode block in Oblivion inside the OnUpdate event bock.

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