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Moving shadows?


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Alright so I have gone through my mods and nothing should be doing this, maybe its the 1.5 patch I dont know. Basically, shadows move as I move the camera, and they will move where they shouldnt be. A tree shadow might not even be connected the tree that the shadow is a part of, etc. with ALL shadows. I have no clue why its doing this but its bugging me intensely. Is anyone else getting this?
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A lot of people are having issues with the new grass shadows that were added in the new patch. Is your graphics card AMD or NVIDIA? My grass shader worked fine with my Nvidia GTX580 but I had poor performance and frame rate drops with the updated so I rolled back to 1.4.27
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It is nividia, but It seems as though it should be a graphics card problem but a problem with a code or perhaps a mod I have installed. I deleted my Skyrim and am re-installing it as we speak to see if it solves the problem (of course I will try w/out any mods first). The shadows were moving around in the most bizare way with wherever the camera was turned and whenever I moved. Some shadows were not there and some were way off somewhere else. There were also false shadows (particularly a large black square shadow that occasionally appeared), but worked perfectly fine other than that
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Try setting fshadowbiasscale=1 in the Skyrimprefs.ini.

I've heard people saying that it's a possible fix. Try it, but I'm not sure it'll work.

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Try setting fshadowbiasscale=1 in the Skyrimprefs.ini.

I've heard people saying that it's a possible fix. Try it, but I'm not sure it'll work.


If it happens again Ill try that and see if it works


Alright, so I tried it after I re-installed it and tried with absolutley no mod running and I got the same problem, I set the fshadowbiasscale=1 and it still didnt work. I seriously need some help here, it makes me not want to play my game anymore

Edited by FenrirUlv
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I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Objects are casting huge shadows that move around when you move the camera. I've been experiencing this since about a week or so. I've killed my mods but to no avail. I've even reinstalled the game but without results. The suggested change to the skyrimprefs.ini does nothing as well.


Strange thing is that apart from this forum post I can find no mention of it anywhere, so apparently the problem is unique?


I'm running a Windows Vista install on a PC with an Nvidia GeForce GTS250 and 4 gigs of Ram. Not the best deck but the game's been running fine for over 2 months before this happened...


Any ideas?

Edited by fakedesign
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I'm having the same problem with the moving freak shadows. The game was very good until this. Now it makes me dont want to play anymore too. How to solve this bug ? Bethesda is taking too long to solve this. My PC is a sony vaio i5, 4 gb ram, Nvidia geforce with cuda, windows 7. I think that is the new patch. Many problems. Problems with the solid image under water too. I can wait some time for the water problem, but this moving shadows makes the game horrible to play.
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I concur with you guys 100%! I thought I was the only one don't feel like playing the game anymore with this 'dancing shadows' problem. Each time I turn my camera the shadow from the trees start doing the Mexican Wave... I could even picture them saying "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" as they did.


Anyway is there an option of just toggling off this grass shadow feature while keeping the other shadows as they were? Probably not but no harm asking aye? :teehee:

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This is almost certainly a INI problem.


To disable grass shadows, open Skyrim.ini and under display add





These may also help:










If that doesn't work;


Delete/backup Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini from your MyDocuments folder.


Run the launcher, let it reset your settings.

Edited by Morwyn Kelm
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