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Hey all, I'm loving this game but im starting to not want to snipe anymore. I have all my settings on ultra, im getting great framerates and everything works great. EXCEPT, that long to super-long range kills (requiring long scopes) vanish before I can go collect em. This happens on a fairly regular basis for me. when I blast someone across a lake, or from the top of a mountain, or across a query, or from a long distance away, by the time I get to where they died, the corpse are gone. At first I thought, "Jeez it must be my inability to find them!", but on numerous occasions, I watch where the corpses land and they are just gone when I get over there.

THAT said, I also have the same thing so many people say in that close/medium range corpses stick around for quite a while, though I'm fine with that one as it doesn't effect me in any negative way.

--My Question--

Are there any mods that fix this? not just increase corpse limit or render textures far off? My guess is I'm sniping between map chunks and when I get over to the next chunk, it refreshes and removes the corpses, -or- terrain far away hasn't loaded in and are thusly not "solid" and corpses fall through the geometry.

Thanks all, any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Willhelm555
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Have a read of the ultra long range shooting page here https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28837


Then consider:


a) mismatch in your Fallout4Prefs.ini uGridsToLoad and fLODFadeOutMultActors


b) if you have more than iRemoveExcessDeadCount (default 15) dead bodies active, the game engine automatically cleans them up from furthest distance to closest.

Edited by SKK50
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