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Companions affinity and combat problems


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Ello all, quick question about some of these mods, and how they might be effecting my companions. Just reinstalled and started up a new game, ready to try out some new mods (Sim settlement looks amazing!) when I started running into a few problems. Keep in mind that I'm only a few hours into this playthrough, but I'd like to nip this in the bud before I get too invested.

Problem 1) Character after an hour of recruitment stop participating in fights. I...think dogmeat didn't have this problem, but it might be because I opted him out fairly quickly. Both Cogsworth and preston both started off gung-ho, but quickly became pacifist pack mules after about an hour. Even when under attack they don't fight back, just keep trying to walk around to stand next to me. Having a pack mule is nice, but I'd prefer someone who can fight.

Problem 2) A much bigger problem, affinity and affinity conversations seem messed up. I'm getting random musts of +3 or so affinity at random intervals (fighting, looting, exploring, etc) for things that I'm pretty sure Cogsworth wasn't all that excited about. This wouldn't be a problem except that he's sailed past 250 affinity and refuses to hold a dialog with me. I know, I know, the conversation triggers can be a while, but he's nearing 500 and still doesn't talk, even after talking to NPCs and saying things that get a mid-conversation line from him.

Between the two of these, I'm starting to worry that my companions will never go through their story acrs, and will never fight for me, a rather immersive breaking problem.

Mods that might be messing with me: Don't have many mods that effect companions, but I've narrowed it down to a few. Visible Companion affinity might, might be the guilty party, but I didn't think it altered the character any, just told me what was going on in their head. Everyone's Best Friend seems the likely culprate, but I haven't seen any notes on that file indicating this might be a problem. I'm trying a playthough with EBF unselected (but not uninstalled), and the problem still pops up.

If anyone knows a solution, or if this problem is common and has a regular solution, I would love to hear it.

Thanks in advance.

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