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Friendly Fire


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Ok so now there are a couple of mods out that allow you to have more than 1 follower. While this is great, how do I keep followers from killing each other when one accidentally hits another? I've tried the setgs commands to adjust reactions to FF but judging by the lack of success I've had, I imagine those have to do with the player rather than NPCs. Edited by Mychael
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I think it's also, unfortunately based in the individual spells and attacks. Whether it can cause friendly fire is (IMO) on the wrong end. It's a property of the attack type used. It's the primary reason I use virtually no companions despite the fun of having companions.

I'm really not sure why anyone, anywhere, working on any game where you have as little control as you do in TES games, would consider friendly fire a good game mechanic. Yeah, I hear you.


Now we wait for more posts and hope I'm dead wrong :P

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I agree (for what it is worth) that having FF in this game is not a good idea. I don't know how many times I have killed Lydia because she jumped in front of me right as I let the arrow go. Or how many times I had to get a new horse because Lydia hit it with a fireball and the horse tried to kill her. Unfortunately I don't know how to get rid of it, or reset it so it does not matter.
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Went on a search and found this "Non-Hostile Friendly Fire" on Steam but have not been able to load it because I am waiting for them to accept me (WTF!!!!!!! does any one else think Steam is a GIANT PITA!!!!) and also on Nexus "sifh 1" is supposed to be the console command but not sure if that is for one NPC, or all of them.
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