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Toggle Full Camera (Console Command)


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Hi guys, as all of you gamers and modders knows what are TFC for right? I Have a question. I saw some videos on the youtube, and

some guys uses TFC and they can move they character O.o. how can i do that? i can only move the camera.

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He might be just holding down 'R' or the mouse wheel. If that's what it is assigned to.


Edit: Vanity mode, that's what it's called. Holding the toggle between third person and first person let's you go into vanity mode.

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oh and other question!! you know thoose mods wich they give you masks? how come i put on my companions and they dont wear?? any mod to fix it?
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The mask is probably under the tail slot, I'm not actually sure why. But companions don't seem to be able to equip items that use the tail slot most of the time. If you can get a version that uses the amulet slot then you would be set.
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Also, when using TFC, you can press 'Q' to auto-move forward. You can jump and swing your sword just like normal, and cast spells all you want.
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Also, when using TFC, you can press 'Q' to auto-move forward. You can jump and swing your sword just like normal, and cast spells all you want.


Thanks for sharing that, It will come in handy. The masks are under tail slot probably so your human characters can wear rings and amulets without takin them off.


This an easy fix. just open the file up in the CS, find the masks you want, and assign them to a different slot, like amulet or ring.

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