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Bashed Patch


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So I have quite a few mods that change spawns and level list and have read folks advising to use Wrye Bash to create a bashed patch for these files. I've downloaded Wrye Bash and run it through Boss but all the mods I need to bash together say they are unmergable. I downloaded the installer version of Wrye Bash from Skyrim Nexus and have been tracking it and so far no new updates since the last upload. I'm trying to bash mods like PISE, Wars in Skyrim, Real Wildlife, Deadly Dragons, Skyrim Creatures Alive, any mods that have a new item added to the ILVL list, etc but all of these Wyre Bash says can't be bashed. Is my Wrye Bash out of date or something? I've read about folks who claim they've bashed these mods and folks recommending they be bashed but I can't seem to get it to work.
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I am trying to figure this out too, I have only been able to combine two relatively small mods, one that changed running speed to be equal of all NPC's and another that changed a leveling list.
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Did they specify how they did it? even in general terms? Usually you need to put the changed items together manually versus just merging them. I haven't done it for leveled lists in particular, but I've merged bunches of mod files manually for various reasons.
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No I've just read through the comments on these mods of folks saying they've bashed them with Wrye Bash, no details on how they did it. How would you do it manually? I've played around with the Creation Kit and TESVSnip but I've mostly only changed item names and such, not really tried to combine mods or anything.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I have absolutely this problem, and it's nuts. I've spend a few hours searching google and forums with terms relating to this, and I've found so little to do with the problem. I feel like I'm missing something, because the few people that are actually talking about this have NO problems combining mods whatsoever. None of my mods are mergable, because they contain .bsa's, or have incompatable format files, or a billion other reasons. All I want to do is be able to merge the leveled lists of all my weapon mods so I can finally have some variety in my pointy stabbing sticks.
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As far as I know, currently you have to use the SVN version of Wrye Bash to make it works with the new load ordering method. I would suggest you read this post. The SVN is the python version (or maybe they added it recently, but i doubt) so make sure to install dependencies too :)
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QUICKEDIT: I should probably clarify a little. I'm just trying to merge my weaponmods so that they all spawn in the leveled lists in the world and on npc's. At the moment, only the last mod in the order loads up.



Yeah, I've installed the python install and all the dependents, but I get a veritable s**t-tonne of errors.

Things like


• JewelCraft.esp:


New record(s) in block(s): ARMA, ARMO, COBJ, MISC.




• ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp:


New record(s) in block(s): MISC.



• WVExpansion.esp:


Has BSA archive.


Unsupported types: STAT, WEAP.


New record(s) in block(s): ARMA, ARMO, COBJ.



and finally



• 3rdEraWeaponsMoS.esp:


Has BSA archive.


The only mod I have, out of around 30, is this one:



• SkyMoMod_lists.esp


What the heck is going on? I get the feeling I've missed something hugely fundamental. Usually I do.

Edited by gremlinator
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I have been at this for 2 days and I just got Wrye Bash installed properly. So first to make sure you've started there, use the Main File Installer from the the nexus page. When you run it there will be a window that pops up asking where you want to install and what you want to install. Make sure the Skyrim box is checked, the Standalone box is unchecked, and the python version is checked. Then go here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/478460-wrye-bash/page__st__440__p__5076699#entry5076699


and follow the instructions to upgrade to version 296.

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