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Extreme FPS drops outside of Solitude


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Hi, I'm having a huge lag problem for some reason, only outside of Solitude as far as i've seen, where my FPS will drop down to 20 and less constantly, making it very difficult to do stuff outside the city, and another issue inside Solitude itself is having really bad lag inside the Blue Palace, and when I tried to follow another fix it did not help whatsoever. I also have the Grim & Somber: Hircine ENB installed. Note: When I alternate started myself into as coming on a ship into Skyrim, and choosing Solitude, the lag was not there, it ran perfectly smoothly with no problems, however once I entered the city, did some things, and then left the city, is when the FPS drops started occurring.

PC Specs:



FX-8350 @4.0GHz

MSI Radeon R9 390

16GB DDR3 Corsair@1600MHz


Corsair CX 750M



However, I don't think it will be relevant as I don't have issues anywhere else as far as I've tested, but if needed I'll check other major locations.




4929,"A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads","","A Quality World Map 9.0.1 - Vivid with Stone Roads-4929-9-0-1.zip"
225,"Accingite Vos - Shields HQ Retextures","","HQ Shields-225-1.rar"
65975,"Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded","","Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded-65975-4-6-2.7z"
88401,"Afterlife for NPCs","","Afterlife - .10-88401-v1-0.7z"
9557,"Alternate Start - Live Another Life","","Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-3-1-7.7z"
24909,"aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures","","aMidianBorn - Content Addon-24909-1-9.7z"
39190,"aMidianBorn Caves and Mines","","aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 2k-39190-3.7z"
37865,"aMidianBorn Landscape","","amb landscape with terrain parallax 2k-37865-5.7z"
29167,"aMidianBorn Textures For Immersive Armors and Lore-Friendly Armor Pack","","Full Set-29167-1-1.zip"
38491,"aMidianBorn Whiterun","","aMidianBorn Whiterun 2k 2_1-38491-2-1.7z"
75610,"Ancient Dwemer Metal","f1.06","Ancient Automatons 4K-75610-1-06.7z"
16225,"Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim","","Apocalypse v945 - No DLC-16225-9-45.zip"
29311,"Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim","f3.07","Aurora v307-29311-3-07.zip"
16438,"Bandolier - Bags and Pouches","","Bandolier - Bags and Pouches v1dot2-16438-1-2.7z"
28363,"Beards","","Beards - 4K Resolution-28363-v4-1.rar"
27371,"Better Dialogue Controls","","Better Dialogue Controls v1_2-27371-1-2.zip"
14087,"Better Docks","","Better Docks FOMOD Installer-14087-1-7.rar"
15508,"Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled","","Better Fast Travel v3.76 - Loose - Hearthfires-15508-3-76.zip"
2488,"Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles","","Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - FlaccidVersion-2488-2-3-2.rar"
28170,"Better MessageBox Controls","","Better MessageBox Controls v1_2-28170-1-2.zip"
16531,"Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking","","Better Stealth AI for Followers-16531-3-4.zip"
9717,"Better Vampires 8.1","","Better Vampires 8.1-9717-8-1.zip"
65839,"Blackthorn - A Buildable Town in The Rift","","Blackthorn V1.6-65839-1-6.rar"
73916,"Blowing in the Wind","","Blowing in the Wind-73916-2-04-0.rar"
49015,"BodySlide and Outfit Studio","","BodySlide and Outfit Studio - v4.4.1-49015-4-4-1.7z"
-1,"Bodyslide CBBE","",""
55607,"Books of Skyrim","","Books of Skyrim-55607-1-1.rar"
24020,"Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins - Modder Resource","","Brawl Bugs - Compatibility Edition-24020-1-0.7z"
30411,"Brows","","High Resolution-30411-v3-1.rar"
2666,"Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-","","Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition v3.4f-2666-3-4f.7z"
58767,"Calling of the Conjurer","","Calling of the Conjurer.-58767-2-0.rar"
0,"CBBE Armors","",""
17802,"Climates Of Tamriel-V","","Climates Of Tamriel-17802-v5-0.zip"
12092,"Cloaks of Skyrim","","Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 -12092-1-2.rar"
43053,"Clothing and Clutter Fixes","","Clothing and Clutter Fixes-43053-1-7.7z"
51871,"Coins of Tamriel","","Coins of Tamriel Version 1 and 2.-51871-1-05-1.zip"
17823,"Companions and Followers","","Companions and Followers Protected-17823-2-0.7z"
69306,"Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul","","CACO V2.0 BETA-69306-2-beta.zip"
49791,"Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade","","Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade-49791-1-7.7z"
14950,"Convenient Horses","","Convenient Horses v5_0-14950-5-0.zip"
47327,"Cutting Room Floor","","Cutting Room Floor-47327-2-0-8.7z"
87578,"Daedric Shrines","","Daedric Shrines 3.0 - No Cure Disease-87578-3-0.rar"
77794,"Dawn of Skyrim (Director's Cut)","","Director's Cut Initial Release-77794-1.zip"
5485,"Deadly Combat","f4.04","Deadly Combat Lite-5485-4-04.zip"
3829,"Deadly_Dragons","","Deadly Dragons v 6.4.1-3829-6-4-1b.rar"
45894,"Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life","","Death Alternative - Your Money Or Your Life-45894-7-0-1.7z"
48777,"Dragon Priests - Enhanced","","Dragon Priests Enhanced-48777-1-4-1.rar"
34155,"Dual Sheath Redux","","Dual Sheath Redux-34155-1-7-3.7z"
60,"Enhanced Blood Textures",""," Enhanced Blood Textures 3_6c NMM -60-3-6c.7z"
27043,"Enhanced Lights and FX","f3.04","Enhanced Lights and FX-27043-3-04.7z"
24273,"Ethereal Elven Overhaul","","High-Res Texture Pack-24273-1-1.zip"
67504,"Exchange currency","","Patch01 for Coins of Tamriel-67504-.zip"
28110,"Expanded Snow Systems - Climates of Tamriel Version","","ESS 3_17 Patch for CoT DG Patch v3.17b-28110-3-17b.7z"
13608,"Expanded Towns and Cities LE Version","","ETaC New Shiny WIP v0.2.2 - Fixed Installer-13608-0-2-2.7z"
58704,"Faction Crossbows","f1.03","1_A. Faction Crossbows 2K-58704-1-03.7z"
35303,"Female Facial Animation","","Female Facial Animation-35303-2-0.zip"
62574,"Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) [CBBE]","","Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) CBBE-62574-2-0.7z"
49285,"Feminine Hands CBBE UNP","","Feminine Hands - CBBE-49285-1-0.7z"
62193,"Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard) [CBBE]","","Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard) CBBE-62193-2-0.7z"
27815,"Fine Face Textures for Men","","Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi Version II-27815-2-0.7z"
54521,"FNIS Sexy Move","","FNIS Sexy Move 7.1-54521-7-1.7z"
60118,"FOMod Human Beast Caravan","","1-3.Travelertype _Normal Voice ver-60118-1-4.7z"
22745,"Footprints","f1.00","Footprints v1_00 - Legendary-22745-1-00.7z"
11811,"Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS","","FNIS Spells V5_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells -11811-5-0-1.7z"
14884,"Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice","","Fuz Ro Doh 60-14884-6-0.zip"
19660,"Get Snowy","","Get Snowy V5-5-19660-5-5.zip"
23390,"Guard Dialogue Overhaul","","Guard Dialogue Overhaul-23390-1-4.7z"
59416,"HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE Edition","","Bounce and Jiggles 7.8b BM2 Regular TBBP_Belly-59416-7-8b.7z"
53996,"HDT Physics Extensions","","HDT Physics Extensions-53996-14-28.7z"
40400,"Hearthfire Display Case Fix","","Hearthfire Display Case Fix-40400-1-0.7z"
35841,"Helgen Reborn","","Helgen Reborn V105_3-35841-105-3.7z"
62809,"High-Res Dartwing (Dragonfly) Texture","f1.02","High-Res Dartwing (Dragonfly) Texture 1.02-62809-1-02.rar"
436,"HiRes Legible Road Signs","","Hires Road Signs Version 3-436-3-0.rar"
743,"HQ Snow Texture","","HQ snow Texture 3.4-743-3-4.zip"
19733,"Immersive Armors","","Immersive Armors v8-19733-8.7z"
80167,"Immersive Armors CBBE and UUNP Refit","","Immersive Armors CBBE Refit-80167-1-3.7z"
21163,"Immersive Armors for NPCs","","Immersive Armors for NPCs-21163-2.7z"
65013,"Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul","","Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul-65013-0-4-0-1.7z"
36849,"Immersive College of Winterhold","","Immersive College of Winterhold-36849-4-1.7z"
64283,"Immersive Jewelry","f1.04","Immersive Jewelry 1.04-64283-1-04.rar"
12977,"Immersive Patrols","","Immersive Patrols II Skyrim.7z-12977-2-1-0.7z"
40245,"Immersive Roads","","Immersive Roads for ENB FOMOD 1-1-40245-1-1.rar"
54387,"Immersive Sounds - Compendium","","Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.0.2-54387-2-0-2.zip"
27644,"Immersive Weapons","","Immersive Weapons-27644-1-5.7z"
61218,"Imperious - Races of Skyrim","","Imperious v724-61218-7-24.zip"
14353,"Improved Dragon Shouts","","Improved Dragon Shouts v1-1-14353-1-1.rar"
2674,"Improved NPC Clothing - High Res","","Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1-2674.rar"
36334,"Inconsequential NPCs","","Inconsequential NPCs - Cutting Room Floor Compatibility Patch-36334-1-0.7z"
40960,"INIGO","","INIGO V2_3-40960-2-3.7z"
8429,"Interesting NPCs","","Interesting NPCs 3.42-8429-3-42.7z"
774,"Killable Children - BOSS Compatible","d2018.1.4","C:/Users/Alipheese/Downloads/Killable Children - BOSS Compatible-774-2-2.zip"
70363,"KS Hairdos - HDT Physics","","KS Hairdos - HDT Physics-70363-1-0.7z"
52248,"Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery)","","2k Texture Pack - Legacy of the Dragonborn V19-52248-19.rar"
72921,"Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch Collection","","Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch Collection-72921-19-1-7.7z"
14509,"Localized Thieves Guild Jobs","USKP","LocalizedGuildJobs_UPDATE-14509-USKP.zip"
58418,"Magic Casting Animations Overhaul","","Magic Casting Animations Overhaul-58418-1-1.7z"
44596,"Mfg Console","","MfgConsole-44596-1-1.zip"
52397,"Moon and Star","","Undeath Compatibility Patch-52397-1-03.zip"
9782,"Moonpath to Elsweyr","","moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta -9782-9-5.rar"
57725,"Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Patch","","Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Patch-57725-1-0.7z"
48929,"More Believable Carrying Weight","","More Believable Carrying Weight-48929-1.rar"
12175,"Mounted Followers","","Mounted_Followers_1_74-12175-1-74.zip"
18045,"My Home Is Your Home - a mod for followers","","MHYH_121-18045-1-21.zip"
30,"No More Blocky Faces","","No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50-30-1-5.7z"
746,"No NPC Greetings","","Reduced Distance NPC Greetings-746.7z"
17214,"No Spinning Death Animation","","No Spinning Death Animation v1_3 MERGED -17214-1-3.rar"
45807,"NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K","","NSM - SMIM Patch-45807-4-5-0.7z"
31264,"OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim","f2.02","OBIS 2.02-31264-2-02.zip"
49286,"OCR - Omnisway Clothing Replacer - CBBE BodySlide BBP TBBP","","OCR Update-49286-0-3b.7z"
68425,"Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim","","Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100-68425-.zip"
79746,"Palaces and Castles Enhanced","","Palaces and Castles Enhanced-79746-V1-8.7z"
77200,"PCA 1hm Overhaul_Guardian","","PCA_1hm Overhaul - Guardian-77200-1-0.7z"
15703,"Pretty Combat Animations","1.376.0.0a","PCA 1376a-15703-1-376a.7z"
11954,"Pretty Female Idles","1.933.0.0","Pretty Female Idles 1933-11954-1-933.7z"
83479,"Pretty Gemstones","","Pretty Gems Reloaded-83479-1-0.rar"
56118,"Pretty Jump Animations","","Pretty Jump Animations v0.5-56118-0-5.7z"
16248,"Pretty Sit Idle v1.41d","","Pretty Sit Idle 1.41d-16248-1-41d.7z"
40512,"Project Parallax Remastered","","PPR aMidianBorn Whiterun V2-40512-.rar"
13652,"Proper Aiming","","Proper Aiming 1_1-13652-1-1.rar"
29624,"RaceMenu","","RaceMenu v3-4-5-29624-3-4-5.7z"
16541,"Real Rain","","RealRainCoT5_0-16541-5-0.zip"
52612,"Real Shelter - Full Release","","Real Shelter"
73681,"Real Shelter v1.4.0.7 USLEEP Patch","","Real Shelter USLEEP Patch-73681-3-0-3.7z"
74355,"Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking)","","Realistic AI Detection 2 - High Interior High Exterior-74355-2-0.zip"
62665,"Realistic HD Food","","Realistic HD Food HIGH QUALITY-62665-0-22.rar"
601,"Realistic Ragdolls and Force","","Realistic Force-601-1-9.rar"
41076,"Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures","","Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures-41076-1-11.7z"
74568,"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO","","Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO v2.0i-74568-2-0.7z"
29253,"Remove Interior Fog V2","","Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version-29253-1-3.rar"
50327,"Ren's HD Shrines by Rengel","","Rens HD Shrines - Ultimate-50327-2-0.rar"
75380,"Revamped Assets Skyrim","","Revamped Assets Skyrim - Ultra-75380-0-31.7z"
40491,"Revenge Of the Enemies 2016","","Revenge Of the Enemies 2016 2.2-40491-2-2.zip"
73369,"Revenge of the Enemies Patches","","Revenge of the Enemies Patches FOMOD Installer-73369-2-0.rar"
14227,"Ruins Clutter Improved","","Ruins_Clutter_Improved_NMM_v3-0-14227-3-0-1.rar"
23906,"Run For Your Lives","","Run For Your Lives-23906-3-0.7z"
62701,"RUSTIC POTIONS and POISONS","","RUSTIC POTIONS and POISONS - 2K-62701-1-1.7z"
54302,"RUSTIC WINDOWS - 2K and 1K Textures","","RUSTIC WINDOWS 2K - Skyrim and Dragonborn-54302-2-0.zip"
46465,"Safety Load","","SafetyLoad 1_2-46465-1-2.zip"
38839,"SeeEnchantments","","SeeEnchs 4_8 Fixed-38839-4-8-16.rar"
33526,"ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer","","ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3-33526-1-3.7z"
1175,"Skyrim -Community- Uncapper","","Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_15_2_0-1175-1-15-2-0.rar"
141,"Skyrim Flora Overhaul","","SFO Billboards for v2.5C-141-.7z"
607,"Skyrim HD - 2K Textures","","COMPLETE FULL-607-1-7.zip"
86348,"Skyrim New Master Spells","","Skyrim New Master Spells-86348-1-1.7z"
32505,"Skyrim Project Optimization","","Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version-32505-1-6.rar"
34346,"Smile in HD","","HD teeth-34346-1-0.7z-34346-2-0.7z"
37873,"Splash of Rain","f1.051","Splash of Rain v1_051-37873-1-051.7z"
13377,"Sporty Sexy Map - Athletic muscle mod CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC","f1.02fix","2 - Sporty CBBE - Athletic muscle map v3-2 fix-13377-1-02fix.rar"
28946,"Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla","","Sporty Sexy Sweat CBBE - with CBBE face-28946-1-1.rar"
8655,"Static Mesh Improvement Mod","f2.07","SMIM 2-07-8655-2-07.7z"
9385,"Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers","","BarenziahQuestMarkers_v1-3-9385-1-3.rar"
56588,"Stunning Statues of Skyrim","","Stunning Statues of Skyrim-56588-v1-4.7z"
80918,"Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim","f3.04","Summermyst v304-80918-3-04.zip"
36510,"Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures","f2.02","All-in-one NMM installer and BAIN Package - UPDATED v2.03-36510-2-03.7z"
30631,"The Beauty of Skyrim - Caves and Mines","","The Beauty of Skyrim - Caves and Mines v1_3-30631-1-3.7z"
26359,"The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options","","The Choice is Yours-26359-2-0.zip"
85494,"The Elder Scrolls Tomes - Skyrim Magic Addon","","Tes Tomes-85494-1-5-0.rar"
13722,"The Eyes Of Beauty","","The Eyes Of Beauty 9-13722-9-0.rar"
64651,"The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal","","The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal 2.0 - Director's Cut-64651-2-0DC.7z"
70142,"The Notice Board","","The Notice Board - Open Cities Patch-70142-1-0.rar"
70260,"The Notice Board Redefined - New Meshes and Textures","","The Notice Board Redefined 4K (Recommended)-70260-1-0.rar"
18465,"The Paarthurnax Dilemma","","The Paarthurnax Dilemma-18465-1-2-9.7z"
19446,"The Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta (S.D.O.)","","The Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta-19446-1-0.rar"
14157,"Thieves Guild Requirements","","Compatibility Patch - Localized Guild Jobs-14157-3-0.7z"
34612,"Trade and Barter","","Trade And Barter - Hearthfire-34612-1-2.zip"
51556,"Typo Patch - Moonpath to Elsweyr","","Moonpath to Elsweyr - Typo Patch-51556-1-1.rar"
14037,"UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul","","UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Compatibility Version-14037-1-2j-b15.7z"
28642,"Ultimate HD Fire Effects","","Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Ultra Version--28642-1-9.zip"
66372,"Uncle Sheo Does Legendary Loading Screens","","Remove Loading Screen Fog-66372-nofog.rar"
40607,"Undeath","","Skyrim - Undeath 1-3-40607-1-3.rar"
35117,"Unique Dragon Priest Masks - HD textures","","Unique Dragon Priest Masks - Stand-Alone Edition-35117-2-1.zip"
33292,"Unique Uniques","","Unique Uniques-33292-1-8.7z"
-1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01","",""
-1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02","",""
-1,"Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03","",""
60603,"Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch","","Skysan_ELFX_SMIM_Fix.7z-60603-3-04-1.7z"
71214,"Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch","","Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch-71214-3-0-11.7z"
65831,"Vanilla Outfits BodySlided (with HDT-PE) for CBBE","","Vanilla Outfits BodySlided-65831-1-25.zip"
56980,"VioLens - A Killmove Mod","","VioLens - A Killmove Mod 2.11a-56980-2-11.7z"
49344,"Vivid Landscapes - All in One","","Vivid Landscapes - All in One - 4K Patch-49344-2-8.7z"
39874,"Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins","","Vivid Landscapes - some Exteriors in HD-39874-2-6.7z"
38004,"Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax","","Rocking Stones Parallax for ENB - 2k CLASSIC GREY-38004-5-2.7z"
34093,"Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade","","Weapons and Armor Fixes-34093-5-2.7z"
17416,"Wearable Lanterns","","Wearable Lanterns 4.0.2 Release-17416-4-0-2.zip"
70656,"Wiseman303's Flora Fixes","f2.01","WMFF Inigo Patch-70656-2-01.7z"
25588,"Women of Skyrim female textures","","Women Of Skyrim CBBE Full Set-25588-4-2.7z"
68000,"XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended","","XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended-68000-3-94.7z"


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If you have an ENB installed is SMAA antialiasing enabled? Unless you have a GTX 10 series (or AMD equivalent...whatever that is) you're going to get massive drops. Disable things in ENB like SSAO Supersampling, SSAO itself, DOF, until you get a stable FPS. If you can't get a stable FPS you may have to go with a lightweight ENB or not at all. I'm using Antique Dragon ENB and with it completely maxed out I drop down as low as 35FPS outdoors (not often) and I have a GTX 1070 OC. Indoors I can get over 100FPS.

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Supersampling is disabled, though my problem isn't getting a stable FPS in general, it's getting the extreme lag only on the outside of Solitude and inside the Blue Palace, if general FPS were my issue I would've definitely tweaked down all the settings I could, but outside of Solitude my FPS is perfectly acceptable and playable, even with all the texture mods and ENB and the like.

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Following the instructions to use the memory logs and memory block allocation did not help, because the memory block never maxed out, so that is not the issue as far as the logs states, and I'm now not sure what else to try, except for now setting up the ENBLocal.ini and other inis once again following STEP just in case I missed something, I just can't figure out why only outside of Solitude and the Blue Palace are lagging, but nothing else is.

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Following the instructions to use the memory logs and memory block allocation did not help, because the memory block never maxed out, so that is not the issue as far as the logs states, and I'm now not sure what else to try, except for now setting up the ENBLocal.ini and other inis once again following STEP just in case I missed something, I just can't figure out why only outside of Solitude and the Blue Palace are lagging, but nothing else is.

I Think STEP Misses a "step" (hue hue), check out this guide and make sure you adjust the memory features it speaks of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYgFihHMD4w&t=10s


Edit: he starts talking about the ENB Mem at like 8 mins. STEP doesn't explain the Reserved Memory, but it's very important. Make sure you correct that.

Edited by Raults
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Alright, so following those settings did NOT help fix my issue, however I took the liberty of taking some screenshots to show the issue, though sorry I could not get more, and sorry for it being so dark but that's how I like my nights personally.

Outside Riften: https://gyazo.com/db0b0003e935ced04b98b422ff57a8c5

Inside Riften: https://gyazo.com/a52e62cc1368f6e614b9339524947e44 (note: much lower FPS I know, but the difference is that it is stable and does not randomly drop below 10 FPS, and that's looking at the maximum amount of NPCs, light sources, and structures as I could, that being the lowest I got it.)

Outside Solitude: https://gyazo.com/11846a598dac9faeec7adc19aae5ad5e (This was the absolute highest value I could get, after standing still for about 30 seconds, dropping from there all the way down to 4 most often)

Outside Solitude2: https://gyazo.com/2b934cd4b69243b740f291d174fba7b3 (Much lower, first time I've seen it so low but my point exactly pretty much)

Inside Solitude:https://gyazo.com/e186988d1b747a7b3638b921d80580d2 (Once again, smooth FPS, no dropping, which is why it's not an issue, because it's actually playable.)

Winterhold: https://gyazo.com/0c4469976a06cff632f9a111203599af (This is probably around my standard FPS during regular gameplay, sometimes dropping down to 30 but nothing that would cause issues.)

Outside Windhelm: https://gyazo.com/e8ed70c4b8acaae43ff19981ed688fae (Again, much better and smooth, however I could not actually get a screenshot of inside of Windhelm due to it crashing on start, and the fun time issues of being a Khajiit)

Hopefully these help show the scope of my issue

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Alright, so following those settings did NOT help fix my issue, however I took the liberty of taking some screenshots to show the issue, though sorry I could not get more, and sorry for it being so dark but that's how I like my nights personally.

Outside Riften: https://gyazo.com/db0b0003e935ced04b98b422ff57a8c5

Inside Riften: https://gyazo.com/a52e62cc1368f6e614b9339524947e44 (note: much lower FPS I know, but the difference is that it is stable and does not randomly drop below 10 FPS, and that's looking at the maximum amount of NPCs, light sources, and structures as I could, that being the lowest I got it.)

Outside Solitude: https://gyazo.com/11846a598dac9faeec7adc19aae5ad5e (This was the absolute highest value I could get, after standing still for about 30 seconds, dropping from there all the way down to 4 most often)

Outside Solitude2: https://gyazo.com/2b934cd4b69243b740f291d174fba7b3 (Much lower, first time I've seen it so low but my point exactly pretty much)

Inside Solitude:https://gyazo.com/e186988d1b747a7b3638b921d80580d2 (Once again, smooth FPS, no dropping, which is why it's not an issue, because it's actually playable.)

Winterhold: https://gyazo.com/0c4469976a06cff632f9a111203599af (This is probably around my standard FPS during regular gameplay, sometimes dropping down to 30 but nothing that would cause issues.)

Outside Windhelm: https://gyazo.com/e8ed70c4b8acaae43ff19981ed688fae (Again, much better and smooth, however I could not actually get a screenshot of inside of Windhelm due to it crashing on start, and the fun time issues of being a Khajiit)

Hopefully these help show the scope of my issue

Are you by chance using JK's City overhauls?

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Alright, so following those settings did NOT help fix my issue, however I took the liberty of taking some screenshots to show the issue, though sorry I could not get more, and sorry for it being so dark but that's how I like my nights personally.

Outside Riften: https://gyazo.com/db0b0003e935ced04b98b422ff57a8c5

Inside Riften: https://gyazo.com/a52e62cc1368f6e614b9339524947e44 (note: much lower FPS I know, but the difference is that it is stable and does not randomly drop below 10 FPS, and that's looking at the maximum amount of NPCs, light sources, and structures as I could, that being the lowest I got it.)

Outside Solitude: https://gyazo.com/11846a598dac9faeec7adc19aae5ad5e (This was the absolute highest value I could get, after standing still for about 30 seconds, dropping from there all the way down to 4 most often)

Outside Solitude2: https://gyazo.com/2b934cd4b69243b740f291d174fba7b3 (Much lower, first time I've seen it so low but my point exactly pretty much)

Inside Solitude:https://gyazo.com/e186988d1b747a7b3638b921d80580d2 (Once again, smooth FPS, no dropping, which is why it's not an issue, because it's actually playable.)

Winterhold: https://gyazo.com/0c4469976a06cff632f9a111203599af (This is probably around my standard FPS during regular gameplay, sometimes dropping down to 30 but nothing that would cause issues.)

Outside Windhelm: https://gyazo.com/e8ed70c4b8acaae43ff19981ed688fae (Again, much better and smooth, however I could not actually get a screenshot of inside of Windhelm due to it crashing on start, and the fun time issues of being a Khajiit)

Hopefully these help show the scope of my issue

Are you by chance using JK's City overhauls?


I'm using the Dawn of Skyrim Director's Cut, as well as Expanded Towns and Cities. I'd take a swing and say it's probably Dawn of Skyrim, but I still don't get why it initially runs perfectly fine before I enter the city, then when I enter and leave it continuously lags

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