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full metal alchemist blade arm


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no one has ever made this in oblivion or any game and since i have no idea how to make a mod i thought i would lay down the plans/idea i have had for awhile now for it


it would have to would have to be a conjuration spell for it to work with some relativity to the show, could use 1h sword animations but would probably be easier if it used fist ones (unless it is possible to have 1h sword move set and when not swinging around have the fist stance)


for a skin either the normal conjuration style as it would fit or a metal texture, it wouldnt have to look exactly like the one from fma i just used that one as a reference point for what the weapon could look like


for stats maybe 18 dmg and for what perk tree to use as a modifier conjuration but have the perks from the one handed tree apply to it just like other conjuration weapons

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