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Smoother movement mod


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Hi guys,


A while ago, probably a few months after the game was first released I remember seeing a movement mod that smooths out the height transition while moving, so that your movement was less bumpy over surfaces that changed in elevation. I can't remember the name and I just ran through my download history and tracking centre to try and find it with no luck. Wondering if anyone else remembers or knows of this mod.


It made the movement feel smoother and more akin to CSGO which has smoother flatter level design, which made the hip shooting with hardcore mods feel a lot better.


I imagine it did something like increase the base footprint of the character model so when it's determining what height coordinate the player should be at it is averaged over a larger area around the players feet, or the rate of change in movement of the height axis was slower while not jumping or something. Anyone have any insight?


Please respond or message me if you know of it.



Edited by FatsackTony1
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