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Im having a problem


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No, that's supposed to happen, included in the game by default. Dismemberment from bullets and blades, ashes and such from laser attacks. Not a bug, gameplay feature.

Edited by Niborino9409
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These mods look ok but they remove the dismemberment from guns which i dont want...i just want to remove that effect that when they die they explode not reduce the chance of limb damage...

I guess i will stick with what i have now cause i have 2 mods that modify the limb damage and i really dont want to mess things up..

anyway thank you for trying to help me buddy

Edited by m1lonas123
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My apologies for sending you on a "wild goose chase"; I mis-remembered and didn't have time to research properly before I had to head out the door.


As you discovered, there is not a built-in way to mitigate this (except by turning off all "gore" (and blood) completely with the "[General]" option "bDisableALLGore=1" in the "Fallout.INI" file). However, the Mod: "Ragdolls", under it's MCM menu has settings affecting Limb Explosion and Dismemberment chance which can be set all the way down to zero%.



Edited by dubiousintent
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