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Troubleshooting custom tsrit in skyrim


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hello everyone i m new to skyrim mooding(i use blender ) i just try to get a t-shirt to work(for understand the path) so i follow this tuto




but i dont undestand(because i not a english native ) when it comes to:



The next step consists in setting the right properties for the BSLightingShaderProperty nodes you've just added.

Select the BSLightingShaderProperty node you are going to edit.

Set its properties in the block details:

Picture BSLightingShaderProperty settings for the body shows the settings for all the properties that are used for the body nodes (the parts of the armour where the body is shown).

Picture BSLightingShaderProperty settings for the armour shows the settings I've used for all the properties that are used for the armour nodes.

Repeat this for all the BSLightingShaderProperty nodes of all the NiTriShape nodes that form your armour.


how i do this in nifskope


so i skip it


this is what i get in skyrim







thx already for the help you gonna give me later

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