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REQUEST: any "interactive" objets mod?


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Greetings. Here Metarius from Spain. Sorry if my english is bad...

In my Skyrim way of life, I like sneaking a lot. I like hard sneaking indeed, so I'm using several mods that increase sneaking difficulty.

But, for me, it's annoying that you can trip over a movable object (as a skull, weapon on the floor, etc...), or throw it away and in game terms, this doesn't do noise. I mean, you hear the noise, but that is ficticious, so a NPC just next to you won't hear the object rolling on the floor. I wonder, If there are "noise traps" in skyrim (those ropes with bones in it that alerts the nearly enemies), why the hell the rest of the world objects don't make noise in the same manner?

Thus, you could use objects to make decoys, throwing them away and makeing the npc to investigate where the noise is.

Even more absurd: you can manage to impact an npc from behind with an object (Not an easy matter since there is not a "throw" key), and this npc remains impassive as nothing has happened oO'


So: I think it wouldn't be too much difficult to make objects behave this way, (Maybe a throw key is more difficult, since the "throw" action doesn't exist at all in skyrim, but I'm sure the noise issue can't be so hard...) but I'm not a modder at all, just a player ;P

I propose the idea since in the nexus there isn't any mod in this way, so if anyone dares to take up the baton... :thumbsup:


Thanks for your time. My best regards!

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