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Power Armors teleporting back to original enemy locations or gone missing


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These issues I encounter only with PA pieces I put in frames, those stored in workshops are still there.


1. Mod PA armor frames with full sets teleporting or respawning back at enemy locations.


Mods include the famous Rosie Submersible PA, Bethesta Skyrim PA and Vim Captain PA.


Mysteriously vanish from my settlement at Sanctuary Hills (without fusion cores on so settlers are not to blame).


Then I find them at their original locations AGAIN.


2. Full set of Institute PA totally Poof vanish and never found AGAIN.


That was my favorite piece. Gone just like that.


3. All the issues are with Mod PAs and not with the main game or DLC PAs.


This is the first time I encounter this issue.


I am uninstalling certain mods to check.

Hope more brothers and sisters share their thoughts.

Remember this is an issue with PA pieces mysteriously missing with no reason.


It is a heart pain as one PA armor frame cost 2.4 k caps (with highest charisma).


If this issue continues, I will store all PA pieces at Home Plate workshop (Diamond City).

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Hello there!, I'm also troubleshooting some modding things right now so I figured I might as well drop in and offer some support.


Pretty sure power-armors vanishing is a common bug related to the 'boundary' of settlements, that is when a power-armor set/station is located perhaps too high or too far out of bounds of the settlement it will vanish.

This is usually caused by mods that alter the size and boundary of settlements, I believe out-dated 'scrap-all' mods can do similar things.


I had it happen when I built a particularly large tower and placed power armor on the roof for quick-jumping-off access to the ground.

Perhaps try seeing which mods might have altered the settlement boundaries or such.


Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

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