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nifskope tweaking models


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all right, i dont want to sound like a total retard ...


so i wanted to make other shoulderpads for my ebony armor by using the daedric ones.

i got everything extracted , opened it in nifskope without any problems.

i removed the pouldron branch.

now i want to remove the armored "skirt" too, but everytime i try to delete the branch it stretches it and looks really weird oO

i am not quite sure, which branch is the armored skirt though :/


i tried google and youtube and somehow no one explains the problem or sth similar oO


thx for any advise


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It sounds like you're not deleting the mesh and are instead deleting bones attached to them (or that they are attached to) instead, which would make them behave oddly like you describe. If, when you select the skirt in the model view window, the 'whole thing' gets selected instead, that means the skirt isn't a seperate mesh. In that case, you would need to use a 3D editor like Blender or 3DSmax to delete the skirt.


As far as tutorials, several are listed on the Nifskope Niftools page, check some of them out:


Nifskope Page

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Instead of ruining your modding experience with far too hard stuff, learn how to do alpha mapping.

You can make stuff transparent and edit stuff really much by doing so.

For example, omegared has done every of his armor sets by using vanilla armors + armors from other mods and just textured them heavily.


Here's really good tutorial for that:



Also, take a look at the omegared's armors.

You may learn something.

I learned from his armors some stuff which I lacked even after reading that tutorial.


PM me if you have any problems.


Also, to edit .dds files, you need paint.net/gimp, I prefer paint.net, as its much easier to use, especially for stuff like this.

http://www.paint.net/ download it from here, practice a bit, learn how to use the tools.


soon you are able to make all armor sets you need by yourself.


That's what I did.

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Jakisthe, take it easy, it may take couple of weeks to learn how to do basic edits with nifskope.

I've been crawling around with nifskope since fallout 3, and now I am starting to feel that I can actually do something.

Though, I wasn't really active in studying nifskope/texturing.


Just look for simple/really well made tutorials, take a look at the one above I posted.

It should be idiot proof.

As I (non-native english speaker) managed to figure out what to do.

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Instead of ruining your modding experience with far too hard stuff, learn how to do alpha mapping.

You can make stuff transparent and edit stuff really much by doing so.

For example, omegared has done every of his armor sets by using vanilla armors + armors from other mods and just textured them heavily.


Here's really good tutorial for that:



Also, take a look at the omegared's armors.

You may learn something.

I learned from his armors some stuff which I lacked even after reading that tutorial.


PM me if you have any problems.


Also, to edit .dds files, you need paint.net/gimp, I prefer paint.net, as its much easier to use, especially for stuff like this.

http://www.paint.net/ download it from here, practice a bit, learn how to use the tools.


soon you are able to make all armor sets you need by yourself.


That's what I did.


yeah i wanted to use existing models and combine them just like omegard did.

i thought about something like using the ebeony pl8, the imperial helmet, elven shoulder pads and make it all one fitting color and not mixed up.


so basically i wanted to do what you described :D and i wasnt sure if that was the right tutorial.


and to come back to my problem.. i deleted the bones and not the meshes :D

watch out guys, you are dealing with a dumbass here XD


all right give me 2 days and ill do some lore friendly armors for you :P


thx a lot !!!

really thank you!!!



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