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Dirty mods


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I'll add that sometimes Skyrim requires a mod to contain certain dirty edits now (this is something new to Skyrim). If a mod alters a worldspace that contains a quest driven item or NPC, an altered or unaltered (relative to Skyrim.esm) reference to that NPC must be included in that plugin in order for the item(s)/NPC(s) to show up. As an example, any mod that alters BreezeHome in any way must include a reference to Lydia or she won't ever appear there once you've become the Thane of Whiterun. The effects of this do however go much deeper than Followers as some mods are known to break quests by not giving the player quest items due to this issue. Darker Dungeons, for example, has been known to break a ton of quests as it alters almost every dungeon in the game (DD may or may not have been updated to resolve this in the past few months, I'm not sure). Edited by MShoap13
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I'll add that sometimes Skyrim requires a mod to contain certain dirty edits now (this is something new to Skyrim). If a mod alters a worldspace that contains a quest driven item or NPC, an altered or unaltered (relative to Skyrim.esm) reference to that NPC must be included in that plugin in order for the item(s)/NPC(s) to show up. As an example, any mod that alters BreezeHome in any way must include a reference to Lydia or she won't ever appear there once you've become the Thane of Whiterun. The effects of this do however go much deeper than Followers as some mods are known to break quests by not giving the player quest items due to this issue. Darker Dungeons, for example, has been known to break a ton of quests as it alters almost every dungeon in the game (DD may or may not have been updated to resolve this in the past few months, I'm not sure).

That is annoying. Good to know thanks

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As an example, any mod that alters BreezeHome in any way must include a reference to Lydia or she won't ever appear there once you've become the Thane of Whiterun.
Truncated for brevity.


This is not entirly true. here is my evidence


I created a mod that has replaced all static crates in the game (except snow covered ones) with container versions using the same artwork. I have replaced ALL of the instances of the crates in the game (3040 of them) across literally hundreds of cells including all 5 player homes. Having just purchased Breezehome on yet another playthrough (testing purposes you understand :D ) I have experianced zero problems with any of the NPC's and certainly not Lidya, whom has just arrived at Breezehome.


As an aside I am also runing mods that replace all of the dark wooden barrels, Ale casks, Mead barrels and Piles of firewood with containers. Same result.


The aforementioned mods are now available for download, if you wish to do your own testing here

Edited by flobalob
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