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Help with OnStageSet and SPECIAL Training Perks


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So I have this script:

Scriptname MyScript extends Quest

Quest Property PerksQuest Auto

Event OnInit()

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)
      If aiTimerID == 0
            RegisterForRemoteEvent(PerksQuest, "OnStageSet")

Event Quest.OnStageSet(Quest TheQuest, int auiStageID, int auiItemID)
      Debug.Notification("Event Received")

The script is meant to detect when the Training Perks change the stage of the PerksQuest when the player unlocks them, and send a "Event Received" Notification. It work perfectly well, when the player is not in menu mode. When they are in a menu, the event just doesn't seem to fire. What is really strange though, is that this behaviour is exclusive to the Training Perks - If I create a new perk which also changes the stage of PerksQuest, the event is received and the notification shows when in menu mode.


What is it about the Special Perks that stops this event being sent when they are unlocked while in menu mode?

Edited by rcoll
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I've not looked at the perk quest, but that seems strange. Special perks calling Event directly, and not actually setting stage?


Edit: there are some events that won't be sent in menu mode, but I didn't think this was one of them.

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The Event does get sent in menu mode, just not when these perks are activated it seems. Anyway I ended up just creating 7 perks that set the different stages before the script runs a check to see if their respective Special < 10 and removes them from the player if true. They are working fine.


I think it's probably that the training perks aren't really normal perks, since their ranks increase when the player's Special stats increase from Bobbleheads too.

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