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Black Loading Screen, Long Load Times


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I have been playing Fallout 4 with mods for quite awhile. I quit playing when Fallout 76 came out, but that is another problem. I am having problems with my game taking a long time to load after I hit play. Never had it before this past Janurary. Sometimes it crashes to the desktop to. I only have 22 mods, and my machine can play Fallout 4. It seems to take about 4 to 5 minutes to start, and my biggest mods are Outcasts and Remnants, Fusion City Rising and Project Valkyrie. I never had problems until the first of the year. I have tried everything. I just reinstalled the game again, and still having problems loading. Any help would be highly appreciated. I am a 72 yr Veteran, so maybe there is something I don't understand. Open to some tips or answers.

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Also, make sure not to fill those poor SSDs to the brim. File fragmentation is still a thing and the effect is worse on SSDs than on HDDs. Never go above 70% if you want to have a smooth gaming experience.


My "gaming rig" is a 10 year old potato, still on Windows 7, with a 5 year old R9 nano, I run about 120 mods (only 2k texture replacers, because 4k doesn't do shite on 1080p anyway) and never had any loading times longer than 15 seconds. Oldrim loads from interior to exterior so fast that it doesn't even manage to load the more complex loading screens anymore.

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Also, make sure not to fill those poor SSDs to the brim. File fragmentation is still a thing and the effect is worse on SSDs than on HDDs. Never go above 70% if you want to have a smooth gaming experience.

If the game is loading, but the disk activity LED is blinking or does not light at all, then the performance does not rest on the disk at the moment.

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