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Need a mod package/list (Inexperienced here)


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Could one of you fine people help put me together a mod package? (a list of mods that work together)


I'm only looking for a few things


-Realism Mods (combat related, 30 bullets to kill is RIDICULOUS and survival is so s#*! (Looking for damage modifiers similar to real life. for both sides)

-Sex Mods (only good ones maybe outfits too) ;)

-Few added weapons (AK's, SCAR, M16 etc)

-Added Follower (Only sexy one's though)

Also any mod that skips that boring ass intro i've done 10000+ times


I just need a list of mods that fit what i'm looking for, THAT WORK TOGETHER and the load order they should be in. Tried multiple combos before and no luck with them working together. If you could help me I'd be grateful since through trial and error I have not succeeded.


*Dont question my choice of mods bc I wont answer*


Thanks for your help!



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