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Warpaints please?


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I don't know whats been happening in the modding community except for the rubbish Creation Club. I have a lot of work and little play I was wondering why the RaceMenu isn't a thing.. is Expired not an SSE player? or are we waiting for the full SKSE64(I think thats what their calling the SKSE for SSE...?) I've got it working.. I think. anyways I was wondering if there was a easy way to make Skyrim (regular) mods(warpaints/tattoos /racemenu) work on SSE? if that were possible I would be able to replicate my Skyrim character














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If you look in the comments of RaceMenu , there is a version for SSE , though it's from November

I guess it hasn't been updated often , probably due to the updates for SKSE64 (hasn't really followed it for the past six months or so , but it still seems to be under a slow progress)

so it should take some time before a full version will be released (though Expired seems to be active , which is a good sign)


what you can do right now is just replace one of the vanilla war paints with the one you want , and just use that

this of course won't give you the full customization of RaceMenu , but if all you really need is the war paint , you can just do that for now

as for tattoos , if these are body tattoos and there is a mod for a unique player body , you can just install the body tattoos for your character

for both you may need to port the textures for SE (not sure if it's needed with textures , but you should check beforehand)

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