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.ESP files all messed


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Well this really sucks, I'm putting all the .esp files in all the right folders, but the icons appear as a white page with a 7-zip logo on it (I've changed it to a page with a notepad on it, with no changed results.) and if i open it regularily (with either logo) the standard coding on notepad

comes up, but if opened with the 7-zip, it says it can't open the file as an archive. Looking for the write program to open it on the web is fruitless, as it says it doesn't what the file type is. This comes after all the data was wiped from the computer, with most if not all of the data

restored later, so it is possible that i'm missing a program that I had before. The processors and probably other parts of the computer were also upgraded, in case that has something to do with it. The files are still .Esp files, or so they say, but they do not seem to work. So far,

the game itself is working fine, but the mods are not. All of this includes files donwloaded from the nexus site and files that I created myself within the G.E.C.K. Please, if somebody has any ideas, can you voice them? thanks a lot. (I MISS MY MODS!)

Edited by Flipout6
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Hardware upgrades shouldn't change what is on your hard drive and an esp file will only be opened in the Fallout New Vegas GECK (not that you even need the GECK on your computer to run mods). If you have lost some data off your hard drive you will most likely need to put the mods back in game as some random files could be missing. If you wish to open the esp files use the GECK to open them. There are also the meshes/textures (and other things) that come archived in a folder along with the .esp. They all get dropped into the data folder and checked off in the mod manager.


Changing what it opens with shouldn't have any impact on whether it works or not, though changing the extension will most certainly make it not work. If your computer lost a lot of data off its hard drive make sure that you reinstall all the mods files to get it working. The GECK may have been lost if your hard drive is having problems so try reinstalling that also if it doesn't work.

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  • 1 month later...

i'm not sure if i mentioned this, but the mods don't even appear in the "Data files" list and they are in the right place. any ideas?


(P.S, the GECK works fine, and some of the mods appear in the GECK list, but none in the launcher data files list.)

Edited by Flipout6
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I am not 100% sure, but if your .esp's are in the correct location and the game isn't doing anything with them a clean install of the game may be needed. It is very odd that the you can open them with the creation kit yet the actual launcher doesn't display any of them. Sorry I can't really help you out with it.
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