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So, I was going to steal frost from the black briar's stables, but I decided to tell Maven even before speaking with her son. I did the quest and all that, but later I was attacked by a group of mercenaries sent by Maven to punish little old me.

I dont get it, aren't we supposed to be in her good graces if we tell her about the job?


Please share your experiences, Im about to do the quest again in my current playthrough and I dont want to end up a criminal.

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You are in the theive's guild but you are worried about being a criminal. I have news for you.....



In any case, the thugs/mercenaries/assassins are just poorly scripted "radiant elements". It doesn't matter what you did, if you steal, there is a chance of getting the thugs after you, even if nobody saw you, even if the person that sent them was your best friend.

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You are in the theive's guild but you are worried about being a criminal. I have news for you.....



In any case, the thugs/mercenaries/assassins are just poorly scripted "radiant elements". It doesn't matter what you did, if you steal, there is a chance of getting the thugs after you, even if nobody saw you, even if the person that sent them was your best friend.


I have never joined the guild...


All I wanted was to do the quest without morality issues, that's why I told maven. If you say the mercs are just a glitch then it's not so bad.

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